I was really just joking about the BBC thing. I know that BBC is a legit fetish. My comment was mostly just chuckling about the massive size that is generally depicted of BBC's.
For anyone that is interested in some dick trivia:
Supposedly that average size of a Caucasian dick is 5.75 inches.
The average size of an African-American dick is 6.25 inches
The average size of an Asian dick is 5.25 inches.
I don't know where these stats come from or how accurate they really are, but I have seen these numbers referenced on several different sites.
The pornstar Dredd is credited with having the 'world's biggest dick'. There is a video where Dredd is measured with one of those seamstress tape measures and he measures 8.5 inches long and 6-6.25 inches thick (circumference). As a point of reference there is another video where a woman is holding a tube of Pilsbury Crescent Rolls next to Dredd's dick and he is definitely longer, but not as thick. A tube of Crescent Rolls is 7 inches long and about 2 inches in diameter (which is about 6.5 inches thick).
So if you are ever curious to see how you stack up against the world's biggest dick, hold a tube of Pilsbury Crescent Rolls next to your dick and that will give you a pretty accurate comparison.
I didn't mean to hijack this thread to talk about dick sizes. I just always chuckle to see how enormous dicks are depicted in adult VN's and especially BBC. But the same can be said about boobs, asses, etc, etc.
...... and I realize it is probably a bit weird that I know so much about dick sizes. I'm a curious guy, what can I say