VN - Ren'Py - A Deceitful Act [Short Stories v2.0] [Mr.Axxx]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    So much content. Great attention to outfits. Pretty good story.
    Great harem game, couldn't ask for more.
    If you want to grind, get super into the character's backstories, have a plot that has no holes, then this isn't the game for you, sorry.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    I hated what I played

    So that bias will play into this review.

    This is mostly a kinetic novel. So far there have been two choices and I doubt it had any meaningful impact.

    The grammar is flawed but decent.

    The story is stupidly problematic.
    So much blackmailing manipulation and the mc forgives all.

    The entire thing pissed me off big time.
    I wasted internet downloading this, wasted time playing it.
    You may even say I wasted time writing this review.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Pity I cant give a half star.... christ this one had my eyes rolling so hard I could see my brain in the first minute. I managed another 4 on top of that before the combination of awful renders, crazy body proportions, and utterly atrocious writing drove me to delete it.

    Good gods this was so awful I couldnt even enjoy a laugh at how bad it was, which is usually how I can still find some entertainment in bad titles. This one was just pure garbage of the worst order
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, I see why people here dislike the game. But the problem is in perception (their attitude towards the story).
    It's very important to consider the whole game as your(MC's) fantasy dream or a fairy-tale! If you manage to do this, you will enjoy it. Otherwise you'll end up listing game's disadvantages only.
    What I exactly mean is:
    There is some magic branch of plot but the main topic is all girls jumping at MC's cock. There is little story, at least now(but many scenes). And the game starts without any backstory. Just MC waking up and getting to fuck neighbours.
    And here is my point. MC is you. The game is your dream. That's why you have no backstory and the girls are horny. It's just your fantasy. And there you just have sex with beatiful girls.
    YOUR FANTASY DREAM or a fairy-tale

    Nevertheless the typos are awful. I'm not a native speaker but even I noticed them there. Several phrases are mixed up between the speakers and that needs editing.
    And ambient music should be added into the game. It's strange that there is music only in the menu.
    I hope that the author won't abandon this project and in future updates will corect mistakes.
  5. 3.00 star(s)



    it starts off hard and fast without pretense so the fappers can get theirs over and done before delivering a story that, if you are not a native english speaker, may pass you by due to it's rushed nature.

    i quite like this one.
    the renders are not that great and animations are more hilarious than erotic, at least to me, but it's not even close to the worst i have seen or even the quick and dirty HS zero-render-time-cut-and-paste-scene-used-hundreds-of-times-before bullshit.
    HS is just mechanical so i can sometimes appreciate devs that at least try

    the premise and story is fairly good, just not very well written.
    the worst part of which, is the obvious dialogue during sex scenes straight out from a porn movie set, which shows what the dev does with their down time.

    woman bouncing up and down on a wooden plank MC screaming "oh yes you fuck me so good".
    really?! she does all the work and screams that? yep straight out of the porn industry. buddy if SHE is doing all the work, she is NOT screaming that.
    more than once the words in my head were 'does not compute'

    but i like it and think it has, for all it's failings, a future. if this dev learns to add a little more sauce to the story, uses better dialogue choices for sex scenes and grows their art skills even a little, i suspect this would get good ratings all round

  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Renders are nice but the English Translation is so bad that my brain hurts trying to decipher it. At least I hope it is because of the translation. At first I could handle it but now it is so bad. If I could follow the story I would give it a higher rating.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Renders are good
    there is no real story
    Everyone jumps on mc his dick
    Good for quick fap
    But not if you want a game with some good story in it
    No bugs
    Wouldn't recommend this game
    Normally i like games like this But This game doesn't even have a real story
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for A Deceitfu Act [Episode 6.5 Public]

    Overview: You might get a quick fap out of this if you don't read anything. Otherwise, don't waste your time.

    Visuals: 4/5 - Renders and animations are good. I wouldn't call them excellent. The animations can be strange/unnatural looking, but both the renders and animations are objectively better than average.

    Story: 2/5 - It's kind of original, but it's also just weird and it really seems like the author is making it up as he goes. Plus, since the translation is so poor, it's really hard to understand what is going on much of the time.

    Writing: 1/5 - Spelling, grammar, punctuation, style. It's all bad. There are errors in virtually every sentence. It's obviously translated from some other language, and it's a terrible translation. Even if you ignore the translation, the core meaning would be cringeworthy in any language. It's so distracting to read, I just don't see how anybody could like this game if they were actually reading the text in English.

    Content: 3/5 - There's a decent amount of content, but that's not always a good thing when the quality of the content isn't very good. In this case, if you are trying to read and follow the story, you'll be wanting it to be over as soon as possible. I see the developer has now moved to an X.5 update sequence, which basically means they can't get a full update done in a reasonable time period, so they start releasing half updates to keep patrons happy. The result being an unsatisfying update even if you like the content.

    Gameplay: N/A - There really isn't any gameplay. I kinda like that, though because I don't like guessing how choices affect future game content. However, in this case, if there were a bunch of choices, it would be a disaster because the translation would be so poor that players wouldn't know what they meant.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful animations & interesting story involving a supernatural story.
    All characters are really nice and one thing I love about Mr.Axxx game is that both game have not just sex scene but also romance and love which is very rare in many adults game. I am eagerly waiting for both game update as soon as possible. :)
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    When you start the game with no introduction but a girl asking for urgent help, so urgent that you go with your towel around you in her house (...) then the game uses black screen to describe what is happening, then back to your house where "oups you get a blowjob by this girl because your towel was removed".... and the main character has a huge dick which is totally taken in for a deepthroat although it wouldn't really fit the girl...
    then the next girl (woman) appears, and you invite her to live in your house (why not??) then you have sex with her, ...

    all that in the first 5 minutes of the game, i get two things:
    1) there is no pacing, no tension, no building.
    2) although the girls are not bad looking, i really don't care for them at all.

    A random game. You could replace the girls with any other porn game girl, and that wouldn't change anything.

    Use your time for something else, and only play if you want "nothing matters"pure porn game because in that category it's not bad.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    + Renders look decent.
    - Plot, in it's core, could be something interesting .. but is executed pretty terrible, rushed and unstructured.
    - Could use a lot of proofreading.
    - - The actual [dialogue] writing is probably the worst garbage i've read in quite a while.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Wow. and not a good wow.

    Seriously this is a really bad VN.

    Story, erm, i think there's a story or a plot. i dunno. the engrish is off the scale, along with the dialog. i mean seriously, even using google translate could do a better job.

    The renders and animations are horrid. the faces and deformed bodyparts....

    If this was a Porno.... it'd be 2 dollar hookers in a filthy back alley filled with human shit everywhere.

    if your into that, then by all means. otherwise avoid like the plague...... i seriously don't know how people are praising this and even funding it. boggles the mind.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    There is something called a "Story" that the developer of this game hasn't heard about. You're literally just thrown into this random corny ass plot(can't even call it plot) without any backstory, buildup and structure. The animation and rendering is trash too alongside the weird and deformed faces of the characters. You can't even beat your meat for a porn game. Moreover, there is not a single decision making choice. One of the worst visual novels out there
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    This game does not have any story. Atleast, Not one which can be enjoyed anyways... Firstly, it does not follow any logic while creating a novel. All of a sudden someone knocks at your door and starts sucking your cock. There is not a pinch of reason in the plot. Then someone gets you out of your job (by even paying a handsome amount) only for the mc to play in a porn. I found it totally ridiculous and insensible.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful animations & interesting story involving a cult & the supernatural.
    likable characters & even the protagonist has an interesting story, which is rare for a visual novel game.

    Warning This is one dark game, in the sense that its story telling is very shocking there is graphic violence & at least 1 brutal death so far it was honestly shocking & is not for the feint of heart
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    This is just bad.... think those 90s handyman porno kind of dialogues but dialed up to 11. renders are horrendous with face deformations, heads clipping thrught the ass..
    and all of a sudden a demoness gets summoned and she thinks MC is her husband's reincarnation..
  17. 3.00 star(s)

    Mr TGB

    I'll give it a 3, in theory, based on what I like when it comes to these games which is a lot of sex scenes.

    The models are top notch and it doesn't lack on sex scenes.

    But everything else is bad. This short novel goes 0 to 60 in a matter of minutes, with no back story or even the slightest of build up. All be it, I play these sorts of games for the sex scenes, but damn this is little to no effort. Some of the faces they make are weird and the animated scenes are OK at best. Story line, there is non that's I've seen, but then again I didn't make through a chapter. It just has no rhyme or reason.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Android V3.0

    Pro - Big dick mc, all females have giant boobs and hourglass physique, girlfriend model is gorgeous.

    Con - No decision making or input at all (at least as far as I got before I noped out), story just kinda poops you into the middle with no backstory or build-up, prose (if that's the correct term for how the sentences are structured?) combined with how the story is going kinda makes you feel like you're losing your mind.

    Was gonna give it a 2 star (love the big dicks 'n' tiddies) but having to bail before even completing a chapter (I think?) is a big demerit.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Fucking loved it! A deceitful Act has plenty to enjoy, beautiful renders and the sex scenes are top notch, multiple animated scenes! We're talking the full works Huge Tits/Ass/Dick and CumShots, lost count how many scenes like 10+ Plays out as a porno full of porn logic. Only complaint was the translations not the worse just some phrases don't exactly flow but fuck it this is a very good Fapper Friendly Game, Which is exactly why Iam here, fuck all the drawn out bullshit and Start Enjoying Porn Games Again!
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    2/5 is all I can give. The story is lacking, and the fact that I can't remember if there are any choices is concerning to me. Maybe I'm not seeing the direction of where this is actually going, but there doesn't seem to be any direction to begin with.
    Just pass this one until further down the update line. As of now things seem to be missing, and I'm left scratching my head as to what is actually going on. There are a few H scenes but they are lack luster. This is just my opinion. Good luck with future updates. Maybe I'll redo this review after a few more releases have been made.