It wouldn't surprise me but let's be honest here. As much as people want to bash Patreon, and other sites, for bringing the hammer down, I don't totally blame them for what they do. The Real problem lies from those selfish few who make complaints to those sites. You have a handful of SOBs out there that will turn a dev's or artist's work in to the moral police. They find a game or a gallery with content that they don't like and, instead of moving on and finding something that they do like, they'd rather go whining like petulant children to the mods, crying that they found "something that I found to be very offensive. You should have it taken down." Or, "This is offensive, tell the dev/artist to take it out or I'll go to (name your agency) and they'll shut you down."
With that kind of bullying and, given that those sites have given their rules for what's acceptable for their sites, Patreon and the like, are forced to abide by their own rules. What Kills me is that those types will rant, threaten, and cry about besti, NTR, interracial, or other common tropes but they have NO compunction letting content slide through of females getting graphically slaughtered, dismembered, or tortured by monsters, demons, psychopathic humans, animals, or giant insects. Go figure. It's all too common for the needs of a few nutcases out there to determine the needs for the majority, basically ruining shit for everyone just so they can have their way. And the scary part is, once they've done it, they either sit in satisfaction, patting themselves on the back for making everyone miserable or go into hiding with their own little kinks, hoping no one else finds out about them.
This reminds me of a story about the artist General Butch that I read awhile back. He liked to do a lot of interracial scenes with his work. Some buttheads out there began threating him and one went so far as to dig up his IP address and put it out on the web. According to the story, some idiot showed up at his residence, making for a tense situation. Consequently, he stopped posting, at least publicly, his work. It's screwballs like the one who outed GB, that causes the problems, not sites like Patreon. I look at it like when I was in LE. When you're a lone entity or person that's responsible for hundreds or thousands of people, you can't police every one. You try to work on your hot spots until someone comes to you with a problem. The problem we followers of these devs and artists have, is that these so-called "adults" don't know how to get past their delicate little feelings instead of growing a set of balls or ovaries and move onto something they like. Instead they'd rather jam up the whole group, where I guess they can get their rocks off.