What the hell is up with this update. It is like the dev chose to kill any enjoyment of the game.
You gotta grind the week away just so you get to choose which event you want to try to complete on Sunday as god forbid you could actually do both.
That is not to mention the absolute abomination of the stat system the dev has made of it.
Generally mechanics are suppose to get better refined as updates come out not become a complete mess that is a completely hinders progress.
I'm personally in some weird state where I'm just trying to finish the content without caring about the content when I finally get it just cause I'm done with it. I've been playing this game for years and we finally are getting somewhere but due to the delay and all the BS we need to put up with...
FFS nothing is made simple to progress forward. Need money well you need to do certain things every single day, want to progress forward you gotta ether go to your bedroom click the bed select memes and see the memes to progress 1 day state or do the same with the phone.
Want decent money from Cosplay Haven gotta log on EVERY FUCKING DAY TO BUY ADS!
Want to get any events in the new area you have to do the BS every Saturday afternoon.
These are not hard fixes ether, do a single button in the top to skip time or even better have one that lets you skip 2x without memes.
Want ads for cosplay haven let the player buy in week blocks.
Don't force us to do BS tasks just to get content.
Give us the option to skip the scene when we pay of Joey while still getting the benefit as it's basically the only way to improve her libido at this fucking point.
For how long this proper update took it's not even half baked.
The story is also so fucked up, I get one scene where I fuck a one of the girls then the next scene I have with them they are talking about how they will never fuck MC.
So much of this is not hard to fix ether, you don't need a new render just some flags to be if yes then this text if no then this text. You don't even need to change the outcome just fucking acknowledge wtf is actually going on.
I mean Cami is still a complete open bitch to MC after a major event, there is absolutely no change when there clearly should be. I'm not saying she needs to start jumping MC bone but at the fucking least act civil with him.
Sorry for the rant, just honestly baffled how much of a shit dump this update is,
Sounds like you can solve all of your problems by using the built in cheat mod on Ryan's phone and walkthrough in the OP.
You can add money, change stats, as well as modify what day/time it is at the click of a button.
Though, by the time you've completed Jacky's photo shoot, money is really a non-issue. You don't even have to advertise to passively make 2k a week.
As for Cami's stuff, you're %100 correct. We need to update a ton of events for her. We've got quite a backlog of placeholders that need updating that we are currently working through.