I just binged this game so freaking hard it is not even funny, and I can't wait for the sequel. So. The artwork is fantastic for a game of this size and for this style. There are a few games out there with more top-tier art, but this is on-par with other CG ones that don't break immersion, the characters look distinct and interesting, and there's something bordering on vulgar in some of the looks that certainly draws me in. Content wise its slightly standard fare of what we expect from this genre (it even introspectively makes fun of that through some 4th wall breaks) but if the formula works well... I'm certainly happy to see more of it! And it has enough novelty in how it is presented that I actually follow and don't tune it out, that I'm curious about navigating through it, and that I'm excited to see how the corruption plays out. And the writing is fantastic. Not too wordy, not too brief, good grammar, enough lewdness in the right spots to be hot, not reading like a fan fic porn novel.. Just love it. And so very sad to have reached the end of the current content (which is very helpfully indicated in the game's menus). More please!