A female protagonist, BUT she has a penis. Yay or nay?

Can an addition of a penis salvage a female protagonist?

  • Yes

    Votes: 44 44.9%
  • No

    Votes: 54 55.1%

  • Total voters


Female protagonists suck dick (as in, they aren't good), so the question is: does the addition of a penis salvage the situation or not?
I generally try to keep my female protags from sucking dick, but each to his/her/it's own...

But really, I kind of like female protagonist games every once in a while and there are some pretty good ones, in my opinion.

Then again, there are not that many decent games with a futa/trans protagonist, so bring it on!


Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
Many different groups are trying to muddy the waters and cause confusion about Sex, Gender, and Sexual Preference,
some try to say that these things are all one and the same... but we all know they are not, identifying as a male, does not make you grow a penis where there is none. Each of these things stand alone. If you were born with a penis, you are male.
you might "feel like a woman" and identify as a woman. Your gender identity is internal, not obvious.
While your sex is male, and you feel like a woman, you can also have a sexual preference of being gay. S male, G woman, SP gay. Many combinations, that can't be summed up in a word, we are all unique.

Saying that female protagonists suck, sounds like a stereotype. Like saying "women are bad drivers" this is not true, some women are very good drivers. This goes more towards they type of brain, and not really a male or female thing. Regardless if you have a penis, you can have any of the 9 different types of brain. Some men are very bad drivers.

When making a game character, you have to consider all of the above. Adding a penis doesn't change the other parts of you.
  • Red Heart
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
I think from the perspective of most guys you're looking at it wrong if you think you can have your cake and eat it too by making the protagonist a chick with a dick. Because to most guys anyone with a dick is a guy. So it's just gay/MM stuff to them and is a hard no.

There are people into that but I think it's something that is probably really only of any interest to people who are exclusively into futa/tranny stuff. If you're going to do a game with that in there then the whole game should probably focus on it. If not then it shouldn't be in there at all because most people won't like it.


Latina midget, sub to my Onlyfans - cash for gash
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2017
I think from the perspective of most guys you're looking at it wrong if you think you can have your cake and eat it too by making the protagonist a chick with a dick. Because to most guys anyone with a dick is a guy. So it's just gay/MM stuff to them and is a hard no.

There are people into that but I think it's something that is probably really only of any interest to people who are exclusively into futa/tranny stuff. If you're going to do a game with that in there then the whole game should probably focus on it. If not then it shouldn't be in there at all because most people won't like it.
The general idea is that women are difficult to write apparently, and the developers would be far more comfortable writing a male character that has a boob job and wears a dress because it's more relatable. :LOL:


Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
The general idea is that women are difficult to write apparently, and the developers would be far more comfortable writing a male character that has a boob job and wears a dress because it's more relatable. :LOL:
There's a couple very popular websites that focus on futa / dickgirls.
The most popular type of porn is "solo girl" (includes cam-girls)
The reason for this popularity is often descrided... "i just want to see girls, not some dude's hairy ass"
dickgirl eliminates the offensive element... you can still see sex, but the focus isn't on the dude's pooper.


Jun 12, 2018
Woman with dick != woman.
Futa or dickgirl, and it's a fetish, not everybody likes it... especially if she has balls.
The fetish by itself doesn't define the quality of a game and about the yay or nay, remember that vanilla has ALWAYS a bigger audience than a niche, but a niche may have more passionate audience (look the furry audience).
I suggest you to go with the magical/sci-fi explanation for the male genitalia of the protagonist, it will be a sort of a lesbian/yuri stuff with a "real" woman that can use her "superpower" to bang.

You're wrong, that is how it is in reality.

-A scientific fact.
-A no-brainer.
-Beyond any doubt.

I can't believe this shit... this is what absurd, delusional, and demented policies have done to regular Joes...

At least call that shit for what it is, a shemale (some dude with fake tits in women's clothing)... or whatever else aberrant freak of nature is in your mind.
Dude, we are talking about fiction, about women with encumbering clits.


Oct 3, 2017
So far most responses I have seen from people playing female protagonist games are about just corrupting the character, knowing they just play a game. Not really seen people say they self insert.

Thats how I do it as well, just controlling a character into situations I want to see them in. And since the majority of those are most likely regular males, they do NOT want an added penis.

But I also didnt really get the first sentence anyway, salvaging a female protagonist game by adding a penis, why would you have to salvage it, what part is the bad part? Only the female character part? If thats the case then, I dunno, play a male protagonist game perhaps?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2017
because everyone is here for the writing right??
This may sound odd, but bad writing has killed many more boners for me than bad art.

Shit, I can deal with no art if the setting and writing are done right, but there are plenty of protagonists and love interests that I'd rather punch in the face than get naked.
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--Waifu maker--
Game Developer
Oct 22, 2017
Scientific fact 1: Hermaphrodite is a reality (no need for source) ;
Scientific fact 2 : Around 65% of hermaphrodites have a penis erectile enough for penetration (don't remember the source) ;
Scientific fact 3 : 90% of the hermaphrodites have an uterine horn, when not a full uterus ( ) ;
Scientific fact 4 : Around 50% of the hermaphrodites menstruate ( ).

Therefore, according to you, there's males with an uterus, and also males that menstruate...
No genius, females are not the same as freaks who have that birth defect/pointless and disgusting mutation.
--Actual females not circus freaks.--

Is delusional and absurd to try to lump together actual females with oddities or somehow provoked mutations.

Hermaphrodites are not actual females, they're an aberration, a mess up, a fuck up, a pointless mutation.
Trying to make excuses to think that "women" with penises are something normal is crazy, they're no different than two headed babies, or babies born with just one eye, wow...

Don't try to put words in my mouth with your pseudo logic.

Stupid shit like that is what make sheeps say things like "women have penises".
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Jun 12, 2018
Please, don't engage this kind of debate here, this is not the place.
Doesn't matter who is right, this is a forum of adult games who present almost all the type of genres.
Don't start ideological war, don't be best mates but tolerate each other, thanks.
  • Thinking Face
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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2017
No genius, females are not the same as freaks who have that birth defect/pointless and disgusting mutation.
--Actual females not circus freaks.--

Is delusional and absurd to try to lump together actual females with oddities or somehow provoked mutations.

Hermaphrodites are not actual females, they're an aberration, a mess up, a fuck up, a pointless mutation.
Trying to make excuses to think that "women" with penises are something normal is crazy, they're no different than two headed babies, or babies born with just one eye, wow...

Stupid shit like that is what make sheeps say things like "women have penises".
Not trying to cut myself on all that edge, but the OP clearly was about fictional protagonists in a game setting. None of that shit is even remotely relevant in the context of this thread.

And for the record, I'm not a fan of FUTAs in games, that shit's been done to death.


Jun 12, 2018
Not trying to cut myself on all that edge, but the OP clearly was about fictional protagonists in a game setting. None of that shit is even remotely relevant in the context of this thread.

And for the record, I'm not a fan of FUTAs in games, that shit's been done to death.
Stop please.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2017
I just don't want that a funny thread degenerates in a flame
Lovely sentiment and all, although the thread wasn't that funny to begin with, but telling people to stop talking rarely works.
It's a semi-controversial topic so there's gonna be flame. Perfect harmony isn't going to happen, best you can hope for are some quality insults.


Oct 14, 2017
Hermaphroditism isn't really a medical diagnosis but merely an ancient word describing overt morphology, originating largely in myth rather than experience (ex. Phanes/Eros, or alternatively the child of Hermes and Aphrodite, which is where the word actually comes from), and a catchall term for a variety of conditions, most of which never develop into the morphology people have in mind.

The statistics / references given by a poster earlier are fanciful because they don't take this into account ... that is, they don't take into account the fact that most people, even those with cases of mixed gonads, will never receive the label "hermaphrodite", either because not seeking medical attention, not being noticed by doctors, not wanting the label or the label being avoided, etc. Only in the rarest of the rare cases is the label ever used, and in those cases, although they may indeed have a uterine horn, menstrual cycle, etc. there are never two fully formed and functioning reproductive systems.

I've personally seen Swyer syndrome (an apparently normal female with full female features inside and out but with streak testes, an XY-female), as well as one definite case of trisomy mosaicism (infertile but presented as female, had somatic cells that are XX and others that are other karyotypes), and one case of I don't even know what (profound abnormalities including mental retardation and abnormal gonadal development, a small penis-like growth, vaginal-like pocket, abnormal labial development, facial hair etc.). Most people with these or other conditions no one will ever know about unless the person wants them too. Until fairly recently the person with the condition themselves may not have known or understood it.

The problem with the idea of natural biological true hermaphroditism, and why it's vanishingly rare, and why, contrary to futa-lovers' dreams, there are actually no cases of two fully formed and fully functioning reproductive systems of different sexes in one individual, is that it's the exact same initial tissues that, under different conditions, that develop into different systems. Even if you began with two different reasonably intact sets of tissues within one person, such as with zygote fusion / "twin tumor" / chimerism, which is already exceedingly rare, those different tissues would be subjected to the same overall systemic hormonal and genetic regulatory environment and so would develop similarly, with either the "masculine" tissues (XY?) remaining feminine or the "feminine" tissues (XX?) masculinizing.

You could theoretically develop both tissues "normally" by subjecting one of them to a separate developmental microenvironment such as by using targeted injections of viruses to turn on or off genes in the desired tissues and reset hormonal sensitivities (for example, by inducing selective androgen insensitivity?), but the problem is that this is all hypothetical, unethical, expensive, and probably wouldn't work anyway because the microenvironment couldn't be limited just to the desired tissues because of their proximity to the other gonads ... ie. if you tried to enlarge the "penile" tissue so that it developed normally, you'd also get clitoromegaly and abnormal labial development and so on. Or vice versa if you avoided that then you'd get micropenis, hypospadia, streak testes, etc. You could get around this I guess by sticking a dick on someone's head or chest but I don't think anyone wants that.

Plastic surgical interventions can obviously get around all of this, by turning anything into anything else, for example developing the clitoris into a penis, using the labia to form a scrotum, etc., but then the clitoris itself is gone, the "testes" don't actually produce sperm, etc.. Or for mtf you could form a "vaginal" pocket, etc. but not give a uterus. This all creates a functional male or female in terms of having sex and external appearance and so on, but obviously not in terms of actual reproductive capacity. Of course you could take a karyotypic and morphological female ("normal" biological female), start turning her into a man, and at some point help her birth kids, but you can't do the same for mtf.

Interestingly you can already have two normal biological women who are the joint genetic parents (no father) of their own children, but this obviously takes reproductive assistance. Each one of the two could get to be the "mommy" and the "daddy", with one child popping out of each birth canal. Again, though, as with mtf, men get the short end of the stick here, unable to do this.

One day, perhaps within just the next 20-30 years, it would be theoretically possible to have tissue regeneration, artificial tissue, artificial organ, and genetic technologies developed to the point that we could create bona fide functioning hermaprhodites. After all it does happen in other animals. But the way our society is going with rising inequality, social unrest, war, avarice, economic instability, climate change, fossil fuel war, miseducation, anti-intellectualism and hatred and distrust of science and scientists, etc. we'll probably collapse into a new dark age, or at least slow down the pace of medical development, before we ever get there. When and if we do get there it, and most genetic counseling or assistance, will probably be something only for the super-elite, and will involve other major social changes on the level of "Elysium" or beyond, including possibly a speciation-like event ala Brave New World where the mass of humanity are treated as chattel to their augmented cyber-supergenetic AI intellect augmented transhuman overlords: android futas?

In closure and summary, the basic ways something like hermaphroditism or transsexuality can occur are, in probable likely order of producing a true hermaphrodite: chimerism of some kind (inclusion cells from another somatic or germ line), SRY mutation or crossover, other abnormal karyotype, something involving selective androgen insensitivity, ??? something else?

EDIT: I almost forgot the entire group of FOX/fkh protein genes, which if better understood could maybe be part of the pathway to successful simultaneous development of two distinct functioning reproductive systems in the same organism. But that's probably a long ways away. Mutations of some genes regulating them could be involved in reproductive abnormalities. But the effects of most of these genes/proteins are generally so widespread that they have myriad other effects beyond just reproductive ones ... ex. grow a dick but get Klingon brow ridges.
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