VN - Ren'Py - A Foreign World [Ep. 5.5] [HighbornTiger]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Excellent renders, but I'm really tired of the trope where at the start of the game the MC is the most superest awesome secret agent/mercenary/whatever in the world (and retired, natch). And this time, he not only starts that way but is apparently going to become even more incredibly powerful. Like, if that power fantasy fits your tastes, enjoy, but personally it doesn't work for me.

    On top of that, throw in the idea that apparently, in the other world, it is the nature of physics that women are inferior to men, and it seems just too edgelord-y and reactionary to me. Again, maybe you'll enjoy that, but I just couldn't get into it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    loving the game so far. played late evening and afternoon the following day. part 3.5 just came out almost and gat around a great 6 houers of it

    liking the story so far and the small bread bits that leaves details of main MC past and fiance and the others.

    story is cool and i always gat goosebumbs when watched hero moves-stuff like naruto when was a kid and i kinda those vibes. MC be strong but slow build up :3 hehe.

    renders are looking good. animations are okay. girls are cute most of them :3 loving the fiance and fioina and firey lady roarrr.

    bought game on steam and cant wait for future updates <3 keeping a eye out for dev blogs and updates.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent story, no unnecessary multiple plot lines to slow down development. Quite a good chunk of game despite being 3 episodes in.

    The girls, who I'm assuming are all Lis, are diverse with distinct personalities. Renders looks great. Only 3 pretty short lewd scenes available at the moment, which isn't alot after roughly 1 year of development. But the story MORE than makes up for it.

    There's ongoing intrigue which means you're kept on your toes and never bored. Really looking forward to more updates on the game, which being my 1st time finding and playing this game, I have no idea the rate it's released.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    It's still early, but this looks like it's going to be an excellent game. The girls are beautiful, and have a range of personalities. The story is interesting. The sex scenes are good (although there aren't many yet).
    The writing in the opening isn't particularly well done, but after that it's very good. There are a few grammatical errors and typos, but not enough to significantly detract from the game, even for me.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I am a sucker for a good story, and this is one of them

    while it may have a slow burn, it makes sense in this story, unlike other stories that just drag it on

    I am truly looking forward to the entire story play out

    TY for the great story HighbornTiger
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This really isn't a story with sex being the driver. In the first 3 episodes we have 2-3 scenes that are lewd in some way or another.
    But the story is super solid, a slow burn getting you invested in the characters. Graphics are amazing and it has enormous potential.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    The plot has potential, but the MC and the dialogue annoys me, it seems like the MC is trolling the girls, he complicates everything without any need.

    For example, they barely arrived in the world, and he offers them water, but it's sparkling water, who does that, I don't know anyone who likes sparkling water, but even if there are those who like it, why offer it right away when he has another option that everyone likes, the girls don't know sparkling water, it could be poison, they tasted it and didn't like it, for me, it's like the MC was trolling them.

    The dialogue is the worst, the MC talks so much, complicates it so much, he knows they won't understand, but he still does it, so the girls have to keep asking until they have guesses of what he's trying to say.

    And that he doesn't want anything to do with them, he could just say why, so much time has passed, and he keeps confusing the girls when he could just say why, but no, he leaves them guessing what he really wants, remembering that these girls are refugees, they're scared, they're being forced to live in a new place with a man they don't know, but the MC does everything to make them uncomfortable.

    So much time has passed in the game, but they hardly interact at all, it's as if their day had only 15 minutes, come on, sit down and talk, clear up doubts, get to know each other, they should have resolved all that there at the beginning and followed forward, but every update is the same, the MC leaves them guessing what he wants, what he's going to do, what he means, so many days have passed but there are girls he probably hasn't even talked to.

    About the renders, they are ok, but something I don't like is that they barely open their mouths, even the render of his dead friend showed the dead man with his mouth closed, they look like mannequins.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok to start let me say that this game was one of the biggest surprises I had on this Site. as I downloaded it I was under the impression that this game would be just a Quick fap with the flavor of " this is a new wolrd if you want to survive here make a line and let me fuck you all" but oh boy this is so much more to the point that now after knowing this game I would be mad at the any one who says they want les story and more sex in games like this to be absolute honest even having no sex in the game would be absolutely fine this is the first time that I want to have more lore, more story, more charakter interactions and more relationship bilding to the point that I am pretty disappointed that the steam link doesn´t seems to work for my country because I hate patreon but still want to support the game by officially buying it so yeah an absolutely earned 5 star game
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This vn is the prime example of a vn you came for porn and stayed for the story!
    There are very few vn´s that have a compareable deep story like this one.
    Everything is believable, this one could easy be in cinemas similar to "the Avengers"
    Well, but we are still on F95 to find pleasure. And i am sure you will get what you came for, but this is a slowburn harem type of game with an exceptional good story. It is still in the introduction phase but i am sure that this will be one of the best vn´s on this site.
    Just give it a try!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely awesome game with a very nice setting and a good plot. This VN has nearly everything i could ask from a agme. The is a backstory for the characters, deeper meaning in the things they do and say, problems to be dealt with, characters with a personality and a cool MC. I like that he doesnt become insta powerful, but actually has to work to get there.
    The Women also look very nice and the scenes are fine. The game also got a good soundtrack so there is almost nothing left to be desired. The only thing i would mention is the amount and impact of the choices you can make so far. There isnt too much possibility to influence how you behave and how the story will progress which i hope will change, but anyways this game is totally awesome so far.
    I would definetly recommend playing it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Review based on Version 2.5
    Currently, the game has about 3–4 hours of story content. I encountered two sex scenes with one of the characters in the current version, both of which can be avoided if you really want to.
    The story of the game itself is captivating, and I had no problem finishing it in one sitting. The characters personalities are explored during the time they get to tell you their opinion.
    The renders are all clean; there is no grain on any as far as I could tell.
    I am looking forward to seeing where the story takes us. The game doesn't really have any branching options, but it would be interesting to see some choices that could make a difference later on. I might be happy just having a linear story told without being responsible for any of the mayor choices.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall a promising project. Graphic and renderings are above average. The writing is good but I think it's from this poing going forward that we will be able to understand if the will be a real top tier one or an high tier.

    Anyway, keep an eye on this one and support the development if you can!

    P.s.: I like the parallelism with real life refugees and human civilization, it's a plus for me.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely loved the game! The premise feels unique and the girls all have a different feeling which is nice for a harem game. Most of the time you get like 3 girls and then a random amount of clones with different hair. The only thing that was slightly off is the fact that events seems to just end abruptly without a smooth conversation transition you seem to just teleport around a bit.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5879042

    Nice graphics, beautiful woman, and a very interesting original story. I love the slow build, I haven't figured out yet, if the options you choose will have big consequences, maybe in the future? I will be looking forward to the next chapter.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    A game for those that long for gameplay that feels like a kinetic novel and with a protagonist that talk like vague tweets by Patrick Bateman. As the story moves along your life will be enriched by frustration until you start to feel tell don't show is actually a good idea.
    A rating slightly raised by good character art.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    There is an interesting story here, but I worry it will drown in an ocean of dumb porn logic and mindless sex scenes that seem undeserved.

    As someone noted below, it can be confusing at times. Some stuff makes almost no sense. Maybe things will make sense at some point, but for now there are character relationships that I wouldn't be able to explain. I often found myself going back to try to see if it was my fault that I didn't understand something. Clearly the MC is like a legendary agent in this world. Like 007 on steroids.

    Even so I did enjoy the story. There is a plot and everything is working towards that with varying degrees of success.

    At some point I got tired of every girl calling the MC, sir, even the modern earth girls. The constant fawning over the MC. It gets old. It is very forced. Everyone treats the MC like he is a superman. It is pure power fantasy. I am sure this will appeal to people that want to have their egos fluffed.

    At one point the MC told one of the characters he didn't want to have sex with the women if they were just pretending to like him. But that is how most of the game felt to me... just ego stroking. Girls constantly looking coy. I never felt like there was any chemistry. It was just bad acting. Sue desperately wants to have sex with the MC, but why? I never understood it. And she clearly tells the MC that all the girls will want to have their turn at him because he is amazing... she just wants to be first. It didn't feel deserved to me.

    Perhaps it will turn out that she was manipulating him, but I doubt it. She is just awe struck with his magical special agent existence, as ultimately all the women are (even the our Earth women).

    The actual sex scenes seemed a bit tacked on. I actually played both scenarios... refusing Sue and sleeping with Sue, and refusing Sue seemed like a better path that didn't detract so much from the story.... either way these "choices" have no real impact on the story. It is like there are two stories going on... a harem story and the main story... they will bump into each other at times, but they aren't really complimenting each other. I suspect that the choices you make within the harem plot will have zero impact on the actual story.

    Still it looks good. The plot is fairly interesting.

    If you want to play a power fantasy harem then I am sure this will appeal to people. The quality and effort is there, and I would feel bad giving this anything less than 4 stars. I am sure lots of people will love it.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    (For Ep. 2.5)

    For a "story heavy" game, this story certainly doesn't make a lot of sense. And it's not that the concept is unrealistic, I don't care about that, it's that the world feels internally inconsistent pretty much constantly.

    The pacing is all over the place, in the worst way. Some scenes linger for an exhaustingly long time on details or subjects that just don't matter. Next scene we jump cut so fast there's no way to follow along. For example, when escaping some cops in a parking lot (where we know one of them for some reason, just randomly), it just instantly cuts to us getting car keys and a new car from some random new guy in a parking garage that we apparently also know despite not being established before in any way or why we would just have a car randomly waiting around for no reason, and then instantly cut to us just being at home. Oh, did I mention that while all of this happened we also gathered our friend from the doctors that we had left there? Yeah, I missed that too, because none of that happened on-camera.

    Also, the way the characters talk is stilted at the best of times. Even making allowances for a huge part of the cast supposedly being from another world, every single conversation feels off. Most conversations that happen feel like they're happening between robots, and when that's not the case it's because some character is stuck explaining some barely important concept for way too long.

    Instead of being a story that's actually thought out, stuff just happens for the sake of happening, and then the story takes the fastest and easiest way out of that scene leading to storytelling whiplash.

    It's another one of those games where the models look amazing but everything else is mediocre at best. +1 for good looking models but beware, not even the sex scenes (about two as of this release) are much to write home about.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Some folks will call this a slow burn - some will like that and some won't. Some folks will go on and on about whether it constitutes a "true" harem or not. There may be criticisms about the animations or the grammar or the plot. Hell, some may even ignore the fact it is a work of fiction and call it unrealistic.

    The only thing you will ever here me call "A Foreign World" is masterpiece. It's definitely a must read.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Starcraft Nigma

    (mild spoilers) Im still playing it but its so overwhelmingly awesome. Renders are great. Story is original and really involved.

    I disagree with the earlier review about the MC should have been more shocked by the fireball. He seems to have some background that I wont spoil any, so I think he doesnt show much emotion just quickly assesses a threat level and acts as necessary or remains stoic. Honestly the thing that bothers me more is the fact that the leg injury they speak of to start off the story visibly looks so minor especially for warriors that come from a battle planet that its a little odd.

    The UI is different than most games which I like. It adds to the original feel of this game.

    Diverse appearances of characters is a plus.

    I really love the amount of sound effects and the fact that there is times when there is no music. I find that the incessant need for music distracting in other games at times.

    Also the screen transitions with how it goes from one screen to the next is a neat idea. Its not just click and instant change. Def a plus in my book.

    I think the only thing that would add to this would be voice overs, but lets be real we arent paying $60-$80 each for this game so we arent getting that. lol

    My current fear with this game is the sheer number of images that are being incorporated to make the transitions are very high and i hope the dev doesnt burn out. Please keep up the amazing work. Its great to see a game with a real plot. Thank you!!!

    P.S. There is only one scene that you can see it (and NO its not a sexual scene) . The animation in this game has the potential to be stellar. I admit I am ignorant on what it takes to make animation this awesome. I know in ANIME it takes dozens of cells so im not sure but the one scene is absolutely awesome!
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    An Ace Among Men

    I am reviewing the pilot and I give that 4.5 out of 5.

    The good is a mostly original story, music (which always guarantees a plus for me), very crisp renders, and a logical stopping point. At least for what I have played so far.

    My only complaint is that the main character is well "too cool". I just think finding out magic is real and having fireballs thrown at you would result in more of a reaction than what was shown.

    Beyond that, I actually recommend this one highly. Best of luck to the dev.