I did a bit of statistics about how much content we have now for each character (0.6.10), by extracting their lines from the script file (duplicated lines are removed).
Here is the ranking:
6 Blair: 73360 characters, 14253 words, 1352 lines.
5 Lyriel: 189170 characters, 37477 words, 4318 lines. (Shocking. I am not sure if I get it wrong here, but... I think she just has too many repeated lines...)
4 naomi: 258687 characters, 52861 words, 5943 lines. (Yes lyriel has fewer lines than naomi...)
3 Cait: 448791 characters, 89175 words, 7399 lines.
2 mainchar: 455395 characters, 89926 words, 12152 lines.
1 rae: 630564 characters, 118437 words, 10245 lines.
Mainchar has more lines than rae, but these lines are shorter. Mc don't have the flowery language of rae.
BUT THIS IS STILL NOT ENOUGH RAE!!!! Since rae is a bit like mc and participate in everyone else's story. Her own content, measured by picture file size, is less than lyriel (though in those pics rae probably talks more than lyriel).
Wait a minute, where is yona? Oh, yes. Yona does exists.
7 Yona: 34932 characters, 6912 words, 889 lines.