It's quite brave of you to suggest that many people would actually continue reading in that case. Especially once a certain level of feedback is reached and once there are hundreds of opinions for them to choose from - more then they'll be able to read, actually.
As far as I see it, in many cases opinions with agressive language simply tend to get ignored as soon as that language is directed to towards those who are meant to read them and to change something. Unless we are talking about an acutal shit storm, but that's a whole other dimension of criticism.
But I guess that's just something we fundamentally disagree on.
Edit: Just to illustrate what I mean. The dev of SummertimeSaga once mentioned that he had a backlog of over 1200 messages with suggestions and stuff on Patreon. Do you really think he'll prefer someone accusing him over something that's well phrased in that case?
It's not so much a matter of preference, it's a matter of reaction to criticism. Sure - if the developer reads that, and had intended on taking the plot that way, they will likely be unhappy. But the way the human brain works, we tend to remember things more strongly that are connected to an emotional response. And the stronger the emotional response, the better we remember it. Also - we tend to more strongly link memories to negative emotional responses.
It's a survival tactic humans developed over many many thousands of years. If we get chased by a tiger and we survive, that event will be burned into our brains and we will use that experience to help us better survive the next time that may happen. It's a simple evolutionary thing.
Conversely, things we enjoy and love also tend to burn things into our minds, but the memory response there is much weaker because it does not directly link with our survival like the negative emotions do. Sort of sucks that we are wired like that, but that's what we got, thanks evolution!
As for if they will actually even read this or not, - I have no clue. I hope so, but i would not be surprised if this thread were entirely ignored and i'm just throwing words at the wind. Such is the nature of the internet.
But one thing is certain - I am guaranteed to fail at something every time I never try.
Of course that does not mean every time a person posts they should do it negatively, many of my posts are also quite positive, but there is a time and a place for criticism too.