I want to like Yona. I mean, I do so far, but still waiting on any story content for her.
Seems odd to introduce a new character then just leave them hanging like that for so long.
Cheers All
I like Yona, i just...FEEL she joined too late and that we've little content about her personally(i mean content where she is the main girl, or she learn stuff about her, or have an adventure with her and no one else)
It's like comparing Liara's romance with Jacob's romance: Liara appears in Mass Effect 1(where she is a party member and important for the plot), one major DLC(Lair of the Shadow Broker, my favourite DLC along with Citadel DLC), and the entire Mass Effect 3
Jacob appear only in Mass Effect 2 as party member, and he is not important, he is a random dude who ends up in the team and you'll replace him soon as you have Garrus or Grunt. Even the romance with him, begins and ends in Mass Effect 2, because in mass effect 3 he is a minor side-character and you learn that he cheated on Fem-Shepard and doesn't even regret it and on top of that blames it on Shepard(who spent 6 months on Earth because the events of Arrival DLC where Shepard is forced to destroy a Mass Relay which destroyed the Batarians' home planet just to delay the Reapers' arrival)
So yeah, my point is that there is a major difference between the content we have with Rae(FIRST girl in chronological order) and Yona(Fifth girl), i still like her, just...i wish to like her more...but i need more content for that to happen XD