
Jan 2, 2019
There are ways to make an orcish character look attractive. Usually by giving them more elvish features( often orcs are corrupted elves in a lot of series.)

Yona seems almost like a generic human but with tusks.


Apr 17, 2019
The fact that you think it's not is extremely depressing.
Why though? There are plenty of different people here who's married, who's dating someone, who's single etc. Completely different ages as well and they are more than fine with playing this games.
There is literally nothing wrong with playing porn game and discussing it, if the game is good and have things to discuss.
Or you think its really pathetic to play such games and hanging on such forums? I cant get your point , why you think thats bad or depressing.
I've played dozen of different games but started to rate them, talk about them, leaving reviews not too long ago and I can say that it's pretty interesting experience. I've talked to really interesting people and found a few friends just by playing porn games, what's so wrong with it?
No offense, just want you to explain your opinion.


New Member
May 18, 2020
Why though? There are plenty of different people here who's married, who's dating someone, who's single etc. Completely different ages as well and they are more than fine with playing this games.
There is literally nothing wrong with playing porn game and discussing it, if the game is good and have things to discuss.
Or you think its really pathetic to play such games and hanging on such forums? I cant get your point , why you think thats bad or depressing.
I've played dozen of different games but started to rate them, talk about them, leaving reviews not too long ago and I can say that it's pretty interesting experience. I've talked to really interesting people and found a few friends just by playing porn games, what's so wrong with it?
No offense, just want you to explain your opinion.
Well when you think about it the characters in those porn games have sometime more personnality than most of actual movies, series, comics, games non porn characters... just saying


Jan 20, 2019
Now that Blair has been added to the game and we're starting to see the story begin to pick up, I suspect Yona will get more time in the spotlight. Right now, she's a spear carrier (for those who don't know, its a term in theatre used to describe an extra who has just a couple of lines of dialogue then walks off the stage). Yona just appears in a scene, has a couple of lines and goes back into the background, right? So what's the point?

We might ask what's the point of Yona? What does she bring to the story? What can her story even be?

I can't speak for Zanith, but I imagine that Yona brings a more spiritual perspective to the story, her people are seemingly shamanistic and tribal. Rae's ability to use magic is inherent, possibly Lyriel too, Caitlyn's is from formal learning, Naomi's is more tradition based it seems (learning from witches), while Blair is a blank slate. Yona is therefore able to see things that the others might not, something that will more than likely come up later in the story.

As for Yona's own personal story, well, I've said it before and I still maintain that her story is going to be essentially Rocky 3. She lost the most important fight of her life, she's hit rock bottom. She believed she was dead, that this was the afterlife, claimed by some sort of shaman as a spirit wife. So she's going to be passive, lay back and think of ZugZug. Except, after speaking with the MC, Yona has now realised that maybe she's got that second chance. Her story arc is basically getting back the eye of the tiger, complete with montage and song.
I really hope you're right. I don't really like how she's been sorta cast aside but she has a lot of potential. While I don't really have a problem with her appearance since she is in so few scenes atm maybe it can open up a remaster of her appearance. I'd try making her even bigger than best girl Naomi muscle wise but maybe less buxom(or way more buxom) to make her stand out a little more, I think one of the biggest issues with her appearance though is her nose is too thin so she looks more goblin than orc. But I think if she ends up getting an arc and have her be more fleshed out she may just grow on some people when she finally gets some screen time. I look at a game like detective necro, orc main LI who honestly I didn't think looked good until I played it and she ended up being my favorite li so far.
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Aug 17, 2019
How do I start "Period Drama"? It says to check Cait's room, and I've checked during every time period of every day and nothings happening.


Forum Fanatic
Jan 3, 2018
I Mean... wasnt Naomi already playing that role?
Body type, yes. But then the same could be said of Cait, Lyriel & Rae all playing the same role for their body types.
Different kink type, though.
Naomi is blatantly a dom, she also has a bit of the mothering fetish going on.
Yona is much more of a sub, although she's currently kinda more of a doormat & there is no indication that she enjoys being submissive, it seems more like an act of duty, than of sexual preference. She also has the monster girl fetish going on.
So her and Naomi occupy completely different roles in that regard & cater to completely different kinks.
Last edited:


Sep 5, 2019
I have to say i'm rly dissapoint in last few updates for Ahitr one of two most interesting chars here in my opinion - Lyriel is like frozen in place. I don't mean about lack of her content but about her character development, At the beggining she was rly against MC and what's going on in the house then she beggining to grown in to it but latly as i say before she's like frozen in place she wanted to go to bed with MC and after that her every scen are like "oh no, don't do that u brute!(plz do it!)" and no matter if MC go with her thing or just say "ok, if u don't want to then i wont do anything(we both know what but if ur SOO against it...)" and then shes everytime suprise he didn't do anything and bam, after event it's like nothing happend, next event and she's again against MC and then supriced nothing happend again and again. It's just like she has achive her end route and just with every few updates just get some scens that don't bring anything to her character just are there to add some sex to the game without any point and sometime even against logic(the famous scen when after having sex with MC dozen of times in different places when MC sugest to have sex with her after dish washing she's "no way i letting u breed me". Don't get me wrong, i still think it's rly good game but won't it be better to develop some other character in her place if there isnt any idea for her future development and just wait with adding content for her when or if there will be some ideas for it. :confused:


Jul 18, 2020
Anyone looking to decrypt the passphrase (it seems to be randomly generated), just make a note/take a screenshot of each group of words, then after you fail choose try again. The only words that are available both times are the right ones.
Let say that the word 'end' appeared twice in the first and third group of words on the first try...

If the word 'end' doesn't appear in the second try then what am I going to do ?

The above explanation is really confusing...

Could someone explain more clearly how to decode the passphrase step by step?


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2017
I will be propably facepalmed to death, but I feel like the intro of this game - before MC learns to "dream", or before Lyriel at the latest - is great with a ton of development, porn and story, while the rest of the game after that is an extremely diluted version where any meaningful progression in these aspects takes forever.


New Member
May 17, 2019
I... don't entirely disagree. To me, you can basically separate the girls into two camps. Those that have interesting relationships with the MC and feel like the plot moves forward (at least tangentially) with them, and those that don't. Azraesha is fantastic and one of my favorite girls in all of the games I've played on this website. Fun, sexy, charming, and a dork with an interesting history all at the same time. Caitlyn is adorable and hilarious and has a fun relationship with the MC where they basically switch between being student and teacher. Lyriel is very tsundere with all her insecurities being projected outwards as thorns that you see slowly see be picked away. I'm keeping up with the game just for these three because I really want to see all three get happy endings.

Then you have Naomi, who despite having a lot of content, I never really feel builds all that interesting of a relationship with the MC. I don't need her to be submissive or anything, but it does feel like she's here for big muscle girl fanservice more than anything else with the way her sex scenes go. I'd be interested in learning more about her crew and how this rambuncious girl is a captain but instead I get sweaty exercise scenes. Yona and Blair have it much worse where Yona's complete doormat attitude got old fast and Blair's skepticism towards all things magical starts really stretching disbelief. But to be fair to those two, they have much less content and time to develop than Naomi and especially the first three girls.

I feel it's not a coincidence that the girls I find most interesting are the magically inclined ones. When the main setting of the game is a big magic mystery of the eponymous house in the rift, the fact that half the girls basically just shrug their shoulders whenever the main plot peeks it's head back in between the girls' storylines kinda sucks. And since with each new girl means more time in between main plot updates, the momentum the story had before slows down drastically. Which I wouldn't mind if I found the new girls as great as the first group, but I just don't.

To be more positive, the writing has been great so far so I trust that eventually these issues will be addressed eventually and that every girl can feel relevant to the scene. I just fear the introduction of another girl who can only shrug her shoulders when asked if they can help with getting everybody back to their worlds.


Aug 17, 2020
Can't seem to be able to trigger Period Drama, Cait is in her room but nothing happens. Does it have other unmentioned prerequisites?

Master of Puppets

Conversation Conqueror
Oct 5, 2017
I have to say i'm rly dissapoint in last few updates for Ahitr one of two most interesting chars here in my opinion - Lyriel is like frozen in place. I don't mean about lack of her content but about her character development, At the beggining she was rly against MC and what's going on in the house then she beggining to grown in to it but latly as i say before she's like frozen in place she wanted to go to bed with MC and after that her every scen are like "oh no, don't do that u brute!(plz do it!)" and no matter if MC go with her thing or just say "ok, if u don't want to then i wont do anything(we both know what but if ur SOO against it...)" and then shes everytime suprise he didn't do anything and bam, after event it's like nothing happend, next event and she's again against MC and then supriced nothing happend again and again. It's just like she has achive her end route and just with every few updates just get some scens that don't bring anything to her character just are there to add some sex to the game without any point and sometime even against logic(the famous scen when after having sex with MC dozen of times in different places when MC sugest to have sex with her after dish washing she's "no way i letting u breed me". Don't get me wrong, i still think it's rly good game but won't it be better to develop some other character in her place if there isnt any idea for her future development and just wait with adding content for her when or if there will be some ideas for it. :confused:
Considering that "Human men are horny brutes who can only think with their dicks" appears to be Lyriel's fetish, I doubt that that will change any time soon even when they get even closer together. It seems likely that the bulk of her scenes will be indulging in this roleplay.
As for the kitchen, fucking her on the counter simply hasn't been implemented yet, that's what happens when playing a game still under development.
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