Alright, spoilers/BTS info time:
This part does feel somewhat iffy to me, too. In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have done sex scenes in those events. Lyriel's start wasn't supposed to be that dark either, but it kinda went there. And since it's porn game and those scenes are pretty hot for many folks, I just went with it. I still don't consider it noncon/dubcon because as she says in the last talk event, she's having those dreams regardless of MC's involvement, and I don't want to totally spoil some of the bigger stuff, so I'll just say that in certain situations the MC does not have a full agency.
Why, this is TI 330. As in, The Interstellar 2330.
(I'm just a very casual Dota viewer, this was a random screen from something, I don't even remember what)
Thanks for pointing out the typo!
What, you don't have those Universal Morphing Ingredients
™ in your house? Those save you a lot of time, absolutely get some!
I can see adding those outfits for certain scenes. Full-on events? Not sure, tbh, but we'll see.
Please PM me your save or upload it here. Some triggers still go missing from time to time, and I can't fix it

Can probably fix your save, though.
Just a random pole dancer. Her name's Monica.
(you folks being horny for random bg characters smh
(I kid, I kid))
I think I've mentioned it before, but nevertheless. I've been struggling with the last few updates, especially with writing, and those updates needed a lot of it. So there's a dearth of lewd content, and yes, this is the only sex scene in this update.
I'm still vehemently opposed to it being called "rape", you can find some of my rationale in the first reply of this post. Still, I ascribe to the whole "death of an author" thing, and I understand why it comes off like this, so, my bad. I really wanted to avoid iffy content.
Depends on your definition, really. It's not a straight-up domination game. Girls open up to you, but it's back-and-forth with your and their wishes.
I'll try to do better in the future. This was not my intention.