First time playing through and it might've already been discussed before so forgive me but isn't the last question for the "Phone Dream Quiz"(Or whatever the proper name is) grammatically incorrect or something? I followed the train of logic for every one immediately except that last one and the right answer was absolute nonsense logically speaking "Some Life Savers Are Not Bumper Cars" would make sense logically, but changing not to no really throws everything off and unless I'm wrong, following the rules of logical deduction, 2 of the other 3 answers are equally correct. Is it just because it's a play on the words themselves(I.E saying "are no bumper cars" is functionally the same as saying "not" but incorporates the words so is therefore correct?) but saying no bumper cars are lifesavers/etc isn't correct because it doesn't have the words?
Sure I'm just overthinking this but it was an entertaining overthink if nothing else. Curious to hear what others think/thought
There are no wordgames here, the phrasing is just a bit formulaic and thus may sound weird. However, the last question makes a subtle change in the order of its statements compared to previous ones to throw you off - Answer 1, 2 and 3 simply aren't supported logically.
1) We don't know what can be a bumper car, only that ambulances aren't. Maybe firetrucks are, do they save lives?
2) Again, we don't know for sure whether any of them are or aren't, it's just a possibility.
3) Again, there may be life savers besides ambulances. Those could be bumper cars.
4) This is the only one where we don't speculate. We know at least some life savers are ambulances and we're told that the ones that are, definitely aren't bumper cars.