Different strokes for different folks lol. I fucking LOVE the Lyriel character. It's painfully obvious from the start that she is not actually a bitch, she is just afraid and has been mistreated (note the themes of the dreams she has that you get pulled into, and the fact that the woman taking care of her is a full blown whore who makes a habit of getting pounded out by multiple skeazy dudes at a time.) Think about if that had been your experience at home, then one day you wake up trapped in a house with a bunch of strangers, one of whom is a dude that you figure out is banging the other females trapped in the house...
Plus with her there is actually a process to wooing her, unlike sooooo many games on here nowadays where the girls are just automatically after your cock with little to no effort.
Conversely, Blair, The pirate, The Orc, etc. are repulsive to me. Not into big/thick/muscled/masculine girls AT ALL.
Rae and Lyriel are the only two I'm interested in at all, and with Rae it's purely physical attractiveness, I'm not the biggest fan of her background and personality. Lyriel on the other hand is perfect.