Ren'Py - A House in the Rift [v0.7.17] [Zanith]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    The Coder

    Hi Reader,

    TLDR;Go download the game.
    Best use of HS engine , the character design is amazing , linear story and amazing story no griding what so ever.
    Animations are perfect(trust me i have seen many).(You even get POV content)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a really great game. ZanithOne is doing excellent job on the story, renders, giving characters depth and believability. Sometimes I play that game just to see what will happen next and experience wholesome moments. The music is good and chill, jokes are funny and story is engaging to keep you going.
    Characters are very different from each other and feel great as a break from one archetype.

    ...not that I needed it. I love Azaresha so much that I'm almost embarrased to admit it.
    I'd pay good money for her to mention a Vanguard who excelled at Tekken.

    I truly hope this game sees longevity and success!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, very easy to navigate, interesting story and characters, and animations that are up near the top in terms of quality. One of few open world Ren'Py games that doesn't require a walkthrough to play in a timely manner. Really look forward to how this game ultimately turns out.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was amazing by far the sex game I've played. I wasn't expecting the great animations but I loved them. the details were so good and the models were gorgeous. the premise of the story also captivated me I love the idea of being trapped in a house with magical powers it was all very interesting. I can't wait for future updates I would replay this whole game again this game has no competition as far as I've seen.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Looks like Mythic Manor and thats a must have then and of course damn new good looking cuties. It has a very good story its make much fun to play with all that great jokes and with the young inocent mage caled Lin "in short" it makes only fun too play. And I thought after vers. 0.4.1 the game is finished with the quest like the dev say it in there, but there are so many other things that you can do or chating its only fantastic. 5 stars that the dev with this game can only get! (y) :love:
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Toram Eldin

    The art in this game is done very well, the animation as well as still images. And the rest of the game itself is well done also. I love it and will definitely be keeping an eye on this game. Good work on it and I can't wait for more updates.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    At first I was like - Premice sounds good but charachters look not so much, but going trough the game I feel in love with each girl. They were all unique. Overall game is very well put together 5/5 for me.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1524875

    It surprised me a lot, great graphics and scenes, cute characters, light and meaningless story, really a game that met all my positive expectations, I hope it continues with this wonderful project, and of course we expect more cute girls from different worlds and fantasies
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    My usual disclaimers when writing reviews on here are that A. I am here for the "plot" not the plot and B. I generally dislike visual novels. So take both of those into consideration for my review when thinking about this game.

    House in the Rift
    is another one of those rare surprises on here that manages to (almost) tick just about every box of mine. I’m actually going to be comparing it to a personal favourite as well (Harem Hotel), because I see a lot of similarities between the two.

    One thing I will say right off the bat, I am writing this review having played v0.4 and so this review will more be focusing on the promise of House in the Rift as it feels like it’s still far from completion.

    For starters, the game is really, genuinely well written. As always there is a certain level of suspension of disbelief that is required for any porn/harem game but HitR manages to tread the line between being believable and still actually allowing you to have fun perfectly. The dialogue actually flows and makes sense and the characters all are interesting and fun. Again, as I say at the start of these things, I am here for the fucking and fapping, but having well-written girls generally makes the experience more enjoyable. Plus, as this is a “dating sim” style of game rather than a VN, there’s a lot of choice in terms of dialogue and what you can do, which is another box ticked for me.

    Unfortunate there isn’t a GREAT deal to say in terms of the overall plot: you are trapped in a magic house and have no way to escape until you develop your own latent magic abilities. At the time of writing the game still very much feels like it’s in the opening chapters and so other than the basic premise and getting introduced to a few of the girls, not a great deal has actually happened yet.

    The setting is actually pretty unique as well and fresh, plus it has the benefit that it has the promise of allowing a lot of expansion. You are plonked into a large and perfectly comfortable house, a bunch of gorgeous babes are thrown into the mix and given that the game is operating in some form of multiverse there is the possibility of including just about any other kind of girl the creator (ZanithOne)/fans want.

    The sex itself is also pretty top-notch, the animations are genuinely some of the best I’ve seen on the site and the writing is pretty damn hot. As a harem game it also allows for catering to a lot of different tastes, and so the girls are all also gorgeous but distinct at the same time. Put simply it’s hot as fuck, would fap again.

    As others have said as well, the game actually looks class in general. All the renders are top tier, the girls look natural and well-designed (and hot) and they behave naturally as well. You can really see a lot of care went into it. As well as this, the UI is super crisp and is one of the better ones I’ve experienced.

    I compare it to Harem Hotel at the start because honestly it feels like the game is hitting a lot of the same beats. You, the protagonist, aren’t really too important, because you’re amazing and exactly what you need to be when you need to be it, but also are understated and not an overwhelming presence on screen. You are primarily in a single building with a bunch of girls and as you interact with them you unlock more and more sexy scenes. This allows you to build surprisingly genuine relationships with them and also build up to banging away to your heart’s content.

    For me, the biggest difference between Harem Hotel and Hotel in the Rift is in terms of quality, and my analysis here may surprise some of you. Frankly, I prefer the former’s approach to this. It goes without saying at this point that Hotel in the Rift looks amazing but this has the trade-off that it must take much more time to make the content for it. At this point it’s been in development for just under a year and so far you can only actually have penetrative sex with one of the girls. The story still feels like it’s only just getting warmed up and while the relationships with a few of the girls is certainly interesting in the early stages, it is just that: early stages (for example, I couldn’t definitively say which of the girls is best girl yet, because honestly you barely know them yet). Of course, if you are one of those people who really value high-quality visuals then obviously you likely will prefer this to Harem Hotel’s more basic design.

    This is why I talk about the game in terms of potential, it’s still really early days for it and while it feels like it has so much room and so many interesting and sexy directions it could go, it’s still a good ways off being the 5/5 it could be.

    I do also have one other criticism which is a good deal more personal and almost certainly doesn’t translate to a lot of people. I actually feel like the game, in its current form is quite simply not kinky enough for my personal tastes. Most of the content (aside from some basic level of roughness and an anal scene) is largely very vanilla or even leans towards the femdom side of things (such as having an amazon forcefully sit on your face). This will unquestionably appeal to some people, but for me I would hope that future updates would allow for a greater focus on more male domination and rougher scenes, but who knows if that will happen.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I've spent a few hours with this game, and think its FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC.

    Well written and differentiated characters in an incredibly fun and unique plot. My sincerest kudos to the author/creator.

    The art is top notch, just enough cartoon-y-ness to give it a fantasy vibe, but enough propriety to keep it near-real.

    A few more easter-egg type things would fit perfectly, like finding a dildo in the fridge or something equally ridiculous... but to imply the story is lacking is not what is deserved. The story is concise, well told, and propels you forward at a reasonably proper pace.

    Ok, I'm going to shut up now and stop gushing, but this one deserves your time and, should you be so inclined, money.
  11. 5.00 star(s)



    +Incredible characters and design. There are only 4 girls in the game (so far), and each and every one of them are beautifully designed. Their over-all look and character are unique.
    +Good storytelling. The premise is interesting and the story is easy to follow despite being confusing at first.
    +Great soundtrack. The music and soundtrack in the game aren't the right at your face kind; Just the perfect background noise for your leisure.
    +Adult scenes are phenomenal! The animations in this game is soooo goooooood. The devs actually put in good effort and made the animations themselves and not just used the typical generic animations from Honey Select. They also made sure to add different kinks and acts for different kinds of connoisseurs to enjoy.
    +Gameplay is amazing. The game is a sandbox. Do what you want, and do it whenever you want. And by all means don't be afraid to just jump in and do whatever you want, cause there's an in-game guide for you!
    +User interface is spot-on. Often times in games like this. The developers usually make the UI confusing and complicated, and generally a HUGE pile of mess. This game's UI however, is spot-on. The buttons aren't disturbing, the map isn't confusing, the screen isn't a clutter, and the in-game guide is really helpful. I personally love how, while you can manually navigate the map by clicking the rooms and doors, you could also instantly teleport to rooms using the map.
    +If you're looking for a well-deserved awaited wank, after investing time in story/characters playing, this game is for you


    -Like mentioned above, the introduction of the game was off-putting. I was confused on what was happening and what was my goal. On-top of the confusing story introduction, there were also no introduction for the mechanics of the game. "What happened? Where did i go? What's next? I have an attic? Who's this girl in my attic? You're a what? Why did it suddenly said Intimacy+?? What this Lewdness+?!? HUH?!?!?" And so on, and so forth. I only got the grasp of what's happening, both story wise and game mechanic wise, when the 2nd girl came in.
    -If you're looking for a quick wank, this game isn't for you

    Despite the issues i had, this game quickly grew on me and climbed its way at my top 10 list. Although confusing at the beginning, the premise is interesting enough to keep me playing, the graphics are GOLD, and the gameplay and player-friendliness of it is just the cherry on top. Such an amazing game.

    10/10 Would drink rum again with Naomi.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a real rarity in the genre.

    First off the visuals are definitely the strongest point:
    Animations flow really nicely, and their composition is exceptional.
    Also face expressions are fantastic during animations.

    The dev clearly has an artistic background and also possibly a veteran of 'Honey Select' engine because they are able to bring out the best in it while cleverly obscuring the bad - which is no easy task, because normally HS models, especially the males, look like horrid clones. The solution? MC's face is cleverly hidden, and the focus is on the ladies.

    Writing almost equally great - MC is well written, and is easy to 'RP\immerse yourself as' thanks to the dialogue choices you're presented with. You're also not forced into anything sexual you don't want, although you do miss out on content by not doing certain activities (perving on your roommates showering being one of them).

    Conversations in general feel believable within the context of the story.

    Two characters are a real standout: the succubus and the pirate, both are interesting, personable, well-developed. Less so with the magician and the elf, who feel cliche and one-dimensional - hopefully getting to know them better will make them feel more unique.

    The general premise is fresh, and there are genuine moments of drama when the game explores themes like being stranded, helplessness, longing - but also camaraderie and romance. It strikes a nice balance and I hope the dev leans into these further.

    The mechanics - not much to speak of, there's very minimal time/resource/stats management that feels superficial but also doesn't really detract from the experience. Looks like in earlier builds this was more of a "thing" but later versions seem to put almost no emphasis on it. Which is fine.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1042723

    The best part of the game is (IMO) the characters. They are likable, have a (mostly?) consistent personality and differ from each other (as opposed to being copy-paste with just slight variations).
    The models of the characters look great and scenes are animated fluidly.
    Gameplay-wise the game has no grind to speak of, you can switch between animations during most scenes and the game has a menu that gives you tips on what to do next.
    The player character is also ok and the game's writing is mostly lighthearted without being silly. The story can also be a little bit more serious at times.
    You also don't have to grind for most (all?) of the sex scenes and only some of them are depending on RNG (Like character location. They frequently switch between locations and most locations are depending on the time of the day so there's not much 'waiting without doing anything').
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an excellent game!

    +Excellent characters
    +Top teir animations, some of the best on this site!
    +Love the story! Although I forget some of the sci-fi/fantasy lore if I wait too long to play between update but that's my bad.
    +Nice and fast regular updates.

    Keep up the great work!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    -The Game has actual plot, with you visiting different realities and each one being it's own little fantasy world

    -Since it's using honey select, the game looks good and is well animated

    -The characters are actually good and not just walking clichés like in most games, though it does start a bit like that in the beginning but it gets better, so developing the characters even more than what guys already have would be beneficial

    -The game doesn't cuck or transform you into a sissy like so many games on this website, let's hope it stays that way

    -Perhaps add a couple more fantasy characters like an elf, an orc girl, etc...

    -I Don't know if you guys have it already planned but maybe add a games room with snooker, poker and arcades because it could lead to some interesting interactions with the girls as well as more things you could do around the house

    You guys are doing well, keep it up
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I went into this game, only to see where the "Rift" thing was going. But this game offers so much more.
    I really found a lot of the dialogue options to be absolutely hilarious, and I love that they're an option.

    This games story is very original, and I like the difference between the girls.
    I personally encountered no bugs. Only a single typo.
    There is a good amount of content in the game by now, so definitely worth checking out.

    Only thing I disliked was the amount of clicking required to go around the house, but I heard the newest update has a map, so I guess thats fixed.

    I also loved all the cross interaction between the characters in the story.
    In some games the women barely interact with each other, as if they don't live under the same roof.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I came for sexy animations and I stayed for a very well written story and interesting characters so far. Which is very rare in the genre. I have no idea how you managed this but please keep going.

    Besides the animation, the art style is certainly unique, unlike the heaps of almost identical and passionless character models. I am honestly looking forward to know where this whole thing goes, and I will be watching this work very closely.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I actually have not finished 3.7 at the point I'm writing this review. Mostly because I die a little inside every time I see the "You have reached the end of this content of this current version".

    Storytelling and premises: 4.5/5
    First of all, the story for the game is, for better or worst, ambitious. The author has amazing ideas and concepts he wants to put in the story, which he does a pretty good job of, though at times, quite forcefully.

    Let's face it, there's a good portion of players who is just here for the sex scenes, the hot dialogue that makes everyone hot and bothered. And sometimes players like that can't be bothered to focus on the many concepts and unfamiliar terms that the story tries to introduce. Me included of course. But over time I found myself more and more drawn into the story, and slowly but surely beginning to really understand what was going on.

    In a way, that's a pretty amazing method to tell this story in particular. We start as a human who have no solid idea of magic, rifts, dreamwalking and stuff like that, thrown into a completely unfamilar situation. So the psyche of us as players and that of the main character are exactly the same. If the author meant it, he's probably a genius.

    Though things that I maybe would change is that, too much information and words are thrown right at the start of the game, and not really properly explained to a layman, who has no prior grasp of such concepts. So it ends up pretty overwhelming at first. Maybe add a few examples or analogy to make it easier to understand.

    TLDR: Slightly hard to understand everything the story throws at you at first, but definitely rewarding and I think many people will eventually like it, even people who just wants a quick fap.

    Graphics: 5/5

    IMPRESSIVE, is the word that comes to mind. It's not perfect, but CG and renders rarely are tbh. The characters looks amazing, the renders looks almost HD, if that's a thing. The sex scenes are absolutely stunning, and sexy af.

    Gameplay: 5/5

    Clear and user friendly interface, somewhat linear storyline so you don't miss things, easy to understand hints and paths. I'm personally a walkthrough nerd, where I sometimes decide to play or not to play a game based on whether there's a walkthrough and how comeplete it is. Because I'm a bit of a perfectionist and always want to see all scenes and get the best route. To my current knowledge, there's no "major fork in the roads" that I hate and players can eventually do everything given enough time.

    Characters: 4.5/5

    Very well designed characters. They have pretty much distinct personalities, speech patterns, body shapes. Speaking of which, are believable, they all look natural and are hot in their own way.

    Rae beats the overused stereotype of succubus being giant tittied milfs or flat lolis. Pretty much one of the sexiest characters amongst the games I've played, being slender as well as thicc at the same time. (sounds weird, but you'll see)

    I don't have a fetish for muscular and tall ladies, but even so, I still like the character design of Naomi. It's not overexaggerated and she looks good overall. So if being dominated by muscular girls are your thing, you're in for a treat.

    Caitlyn is pretty new to me as well, but she has a clear identity and personality, to fit her niche in the story. She's your girl if you like impressionable young thing that's curious and apprehensive about sex.

    Main complaint at this stage would only be that there's only 3 characters, or maybe 4, based on the twitter page.

    That's pretty much my review of the game. All in all, I really enjoyed this game. Many people over alot of different platforms recommend HH and MM as some of the best games out there, but personally, I feel that this takes the cake. Of course, in terms of content and the amount of content. MM and HH will still be up there. But I think this 1 certainly has the potential to overtake them eventually.

    This is still my 1st version played, so I have no idea how fast the updates are the how much content each update gives. But this is a highly recommended game for me.

    To author(if he or she even reads this):
    I'm going through a tough patch financially, so sadly, I'm unable to support you, even though I know how important it is to this community. But I promise, when things get better, I'll definitely become a patreon.

    Also, I think you should review the 1st 3 days of the story. We players, like the MC, was thrown into the story with pretty much no idea of the situation so maybe our decision making wasn't the best. The fact that Rae was desperate to get out of the house and willing to do everything was... sad. It really brings out what she probably goes through in her everyday life and how she has been living

    After the whole situation becomes clearer, I felt like a jerk for taking advantage of her during the 1st 3 days, especially since she was willing to do everything before, and she suddenly reject your advances after the story really begins.

    Maybe I'm just thinking too much, because she is a succubus after all, but it just kind of bothers me.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best-written game in this site. Very enjoyable experience.
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    Lines: 9/10
    Character Development: 9/10
    Story: 8.5/10
    Model Design: 8/10
    Scene Design: 9/10
    Graphics Quality: 7.5/10
    Animation Quality: 8/10
    Gameplay Design: 8.5/10
    Music: 7/10
    Overall Rating: 8.5/10 comparing quality of the work done to expected best quality, +1 bonus due to the ambition of this project.
    Final Rating: 9.5/10

    Besides excellent writings, there are actually very elaborately designed branchings in this game. Your different attitude towards Rae can result in different outcomes - and elegantly different, not...bluntly different. Even if it does not seem to affect so-called "endings" (at this point of the game development), it makes the virtual game world a lot more realistic and enjoyable.
    Elegantly designed gameplay, well-written lines, rich background story with up-to-par visual and audio experience, this is what I call an ambitious project. There are games I gave 5 stars that might have better writing or better visual experience, but having more dimensions of beautiful design than this? Very rare.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a few thing going for it:
    • The cast is varied both in physique as well as character, and all of them are charming. The only minor complaint is Naomi face which is a bit to childlike in my opinion.
    • The renders are well made and I like the look of the environment and enjoy the Honey Select models
    • Gives a few tidbits of interesting world building, though the story has yet to take shape
    What I personally most enjoyed is the femdom content with Naomi, who is clearly into dominating you, but not overly cruel. No chains or beatings or any bitchy attitude, just a gal telling you what she wants you to do and being powerful and self assured.