Cant for the life of me find where i enter the second patreoncode?
Can anyone tell me plz?!
"Salt" in hashing context (how the dev hid the patreon code in the game's code) is a string added to the end of a password before encrypting it as part of best practices for password handling to make it harder to brute force the encryption. At the glance I took at it it looked like "hehesalt" was added to the hashed patreon code stored in the persistent file to make it harder to crack, but this was pointless given SHA256 is a perfectly suitable one-way algorithm for the purpose and step 2 of salting is to not display it in plaintext where it's easily readable because it immediately becomes as useless as our pointy-eared maid <3
Which of course our esteemed dev can be forgiven for not knowing, given it was just used to hide a content code and his software engineering skills are absolutely top notch for the purpose.
"hehesalt" I imagine because it's a funny double entendre where the original meaning was like "salting the earth" but it can also make the person doing the cracking salty... even if it wasn't worth it and was easily circumvented in other ways