Imma address the most common concern right away. I tent to advance girl's stories in "arcs". When Lyriel came to the house, there were something like 3 or 4 updates focused solely on her. Yona's starting arc is finished as of 0.5.2.
Starting from 0.5.3, Lyriel's story gets another push. There are something like 10 new encounters with her in the current alpha alone. After Lyriel's next arc is finished (1 or 2 more updates), I'll focus on Cait for a few updates. Both Lyriel's and Cait's upcoming arcs will feature their "first times" with the MC.
After that, I'll make a final decision on the inclusion of the 6th main cast girl. If there will be one, I'll introduce her, and from that point on I'll be able to advance the main story and add more multi-girl events. And if we're keeping the main cast down to 5 characters, then I'll just start advancing the main story straight away.
And one other note. Lyriel currently has
the largest number of events and amount of content in general of all the girls. As of 0.5.3 there are ~2000 images related to Lyriel's events, compared to only ~1500 for Rae. And here's the current story structure. Lyriel's events are in light green.
View attachment 1078516
3. Not commenting on Rae, but the "approaches for sex" mechanic is planned
I need to finish introducing the main cast to advance the story and be able to do more multi-girl events and crossovers.
And please see the top of the post for more context.
There's a static method missing from the "quest" object in your traceback. I made a move from the static initialization method of the, er, static methods to a runtime codegen last October. If you are modding the game or running it via some sort of an emulator or something like this, that might cause issues. I can take a look at your save, but it's very unlikely that I'll be able to fix this for you.
Drop by our discord, we have saves there.
You will have to bring her in to advance the main story. After that, all the girls' personal stories are completely decoupled. You might miss some crossover events, but you will be able to progress through all the others' primary questlines.
Please see the top of this post for the explanation of my approach to the development and the upcoming content breakdown.
Wait for
0.5.4 or (less likely) 0.5.5
Please see the top of this post for the explanation of my approach to the development.
There was some slight dropoff. I'm pushing ahead on passion/wanting to tell the story the way I wanted it. That said, I try to be open to criticism, that's why Yona got a slight makeover in the very first update with her (happened between Beta and EA release).
And please see the top of this post for more context.
I'd say a very long time as I have no plans for anything like that
Please see the top of this post for the explanation of my approach to the development and the upcoming content breakdown.
Please see the top of this post for the explanation of my approach to the development and the upcoming content breakdown.
Please see the top of this post for the explanation of my approach to the development and the upcoming content breakdown.
Please see the top of this post for the explanation of my approach to the development and the upcoming content breakdown.
She's just not a witch, you know?
Both of the trees are supposed to be "wiggling" as there is a slight breeze in the backyard. Only the one next to the pool somehow lost its animation controller during the export and I still haven't fixed this.

But I guess it looks weird in the static renders, so maybe I should just freeze the other one.
Could you post your save with the missing hint? It should be there.
The dream app rework is currently relegated to the bottom of the todo list as I keep being late with everything.
And yes, Naomi's room was supposed to get an update version, I just kinda forgot about it.
Please see the top of this post for the explanation of my approach to the development and the upcoming content breakdown.
Please post your save, I'll have a look.
Please see the top of this post for the explanation of my approach to the development and the upcoming content breakdown.