I'm sure that Im not the odd one out here? As I do not download these Vn's for animation wanking material ( all tho the animations are very good), It's more for the story and the Characters background, the interaction's and could care less if characters were poke-a-dot in colour but most of all I download these Vn's to challenge my perceptions and my comfort zone's and to have enjoyable time doing it...
But to say your dropping the game because one of the character's is green in colour. Is just plain stupid ( sorry can't describe any better).
You mean
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I'm the same though, I mean, I'm sure some of these games I've downloaded lean quite a bit toward masturbation material, but it's not like I download them with the express purpose. The reason I'm here on this adult site is because the content is inherently more inclusive/expansive than, say, Steam could ever have. I mean, look at
Pact with a Witch, it's far from a perfect game or story (and occasionally way outside my comfort zone), but the ending certainly had me thinking deeply on my ethics, morality, forgiveness, selfishness; real heavy stuff. Hell, I'm not even sure there is a right answer in the scenario put forth.
And this game, as lovely as the girls and animations are, it's really the interpersonal dynamics and overall atmosphere that keep me coming back. Atmosphere especially is
fucking amazing in this game, I've never felt so satisfied doing nothing in particular.