Probably and possibly have the same use in casual conversation.
They really do not.
Possibly means it
can happen. Probably means it's
likely to happen. There's a distinct difference.
Everything that is probable is possible. Not everything that is possible is probable.
That's not how you test a bottomless void. The test isn't if the void was dangerous, the test is supposedly to see if there is a bottom to escape to.
To use a finite piece of rope on a visibility infinite void is not something a thinking person would do. She would be better off tossing something from the garage first, see if it falls, hits something, or comes right back. She might have been lost to the void hadn't the others been worried.
She doesn't
know it's a bottomless void.
It's not "visibly infinite". To all intents & purposes, it's just a cloud she's looking at.
It's perfectly justifiable for her to not believe the word of people she thinks are her abductors or, at the very least, had a part to play in it.
Plus, being an engineer & a survivor, of course she won't take people's word for it. She needs to find out for herself.
As for "not how you test one", didn't know there was a manual on bottomless voids?


Jokes aside, to test it, I imagine she simply needed to attach something with weight to the end of the rope, drop it over the edge and see if it reached solid ground.
Again, we do not know that she did not perform this.
If she did this and found no solid ground, so what? The ground could be only another 2 feet away from the bottom of the rope. She would need to climb down, to find out.
She is clearly inquisitive.
I don't think it's "stupidly stubborn" to want to escape from a form of captivity. It's more like survival instinct, to me.
She wanted to escape & to know what was beneath the clouds, so she climbed down. That's quite practical, which is in her character.
If I remember correctly, Lyriel's introduction was only tolerable for me because it included some additional interactions with Rae.
I've read plenty of books with characters I initially didn't like, but grew to like them more, as I understood them more.
All I'm really saying is, don't write her off too soon.
If you don't like her now then she presumably won't become a favourite, but she could well become a lot more tolerable.
As Lyriel did. As Naomi & Yona also could.
I think this really is the central part. We don't know a lot about her which makes warming up difficult. Only time will tell.
Thanks, that's precisely what I've been saying, from the start.

The dev has proven history with turning around perception of a character, from them being received extremely negatively, to becoming massively popular.
But the characters need content, in order for that to happen to any degree.