Huh, something about Cait's face there looks different, I can't quite put my finger on it but she looks a little odd, but still really good. Strange.
Hmm... Could be the shape of her eyes. It's pretty distinctive, but when she's wide-eyed this contour changes. Other than that, don't know what could be the case.
Mm, one great failing of real-time rendering engines, they just don't do refraction properly. Normally you don't notice, but when you have a glass of liquid right up in the camera like that...
Absolutely true

Thought about not showing the glass/wine this close, but in the end decided to go for it anyway.
I don't think Cait would exactly be scandalised by us undressing her, I mean given how many times we've joined her in the shower at this point... She's so cute with Rae when she helps her up though.
There might be some event extensions planned.
While the pictures we unlock are amazing, I'm not a fan of hunting for hidden items to unlock things. especially if they only appear in one time slot! I think that definitely needs changing right away!
I kinda like it, TBH. Hidden object-style unlockables were almost as popular as the mini-quest option in the poll. I might add some hints later. And I'll update the walkthrough ASAP.
I really like Cait's breasts too, although she needs to be stroking and teasing her nipples IMO. Her trying to recapture the absolute bliss she feels when we touch her would be hot.
In this particular shot she's more like
did they get bigger again?
And also I'd like to say thank you for writing those feedback posts. I really appreciate it, it's very good to know what players think about the changes, the mechanics and the general direction, wish there were more people doing this (but not knocking on those who are posting shorter feedback, it's really appreciated, too!)
Sorry that I don't reply line by line, but sometimes I don't want to spoil some upcoming things, sometimes I'm not sure if I'll be able to pull something off, and sometimes I just don't really know the answer. But I sure do take some notes
I'm sure you get this a lot ZanithOne but you're really good at writing banter. I really enjoyed the dinner scene.
Thanks! It sometime can take me in unexpected direction, though. Had quite a few events that ended up not in the way I initially thought of.
How do I activate the "Full of stars" event?
You need to progress through Rae's trust route, then the dream will be unlocked in the dreamer app in the phone.
whats the apron thing with Rae?
It's the event in her trust route, and then it becomes a repeatable. Unless you're asking something else?
Damn I thought that dinner would lead to a 4 way

or did I do something wrong dont get me wrong it was nice I definitely enjoyed it, But it felt like it was leaning towards it are there different outcomes just asking.
Not yet, at least cause
I don't think Lin is ready for that just yet.
of this
Ughhhh, dying because of lack of content. *dead*
I'm only half joking. I appreciate the reasonably fast updates, but it honestly feels like drops of water in a desert. =[
This was supposed to be a small intermediate update, it just got stuck in early access for two extra weeks while I've been working on v0.4.0, which adds the new girl. But I'm doing pretty well on Patreon, so I'm going to be looking into hiring/partnering with someone to get more content our faster.