I am answering in bulk, might have missed some posts, sorry. If I didn't address something, please tag me again.
Won't go line by line, sorry, but I like those ideas, will add to the list. Sadly, may be a long time till I get to those.
...Is 'oameni' an elf word, or a typo so bad I can't recognise it?
Won't say
Not sure whether it's better to look at Taena or Lyriel, Taena getting gangbanged is hot, but Lyriel's reactions are great. Personally I think I would have had a split-screen for those.
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I know that some people really don't like seeing non-MC males having sex in POV games, so I added this choice. Could add the third variant, I guess

really, forgetting about the new girl already? We've been through this enough times we should know how it works now. I guess Rae was right about that aura she has making us think with our dick.
Hmm? You can say "oh yeah, I know who's that" right away, or am I missing something?
God, Lyriel is a bitch. The choices here aren't good, we either have to let her bully Cait or stand up to her and really upset Cait, then be a dick to Cait ourself for some reason(??).
Personally I would have told Cait to finish her breakfast and insisted on showing Lyriel the food myself, she can be a bitch to us if she likes but I'm not letting her treat the other girls like that, ultimately I took the intimacy hit with Cait.
Yes, this is a lacking scene, I cut a bit too much off it trying to get the build out, but I will have another go at it a bit later.
And a bit more bits for other interactions you mentioned after are coming, too.
And thank you for the bug reports. Lyriel's reaction to morning sex with Rae is coming in 0.4.2, can't fit it into 0.4.1.
Not sure if the dev is romanian or just coincidence.
Not Romanian, not a coincidence
Finished playing cant really say i like the elf girl ( not because of her personality).
Gona wait for more content on the other girls. Keep it up dev you are doing great

Thank you, and although everyone has different tastes, I still hope that Lyriel will be able to change your mind.
am still a Rae and Naomi guy..elf-chick did nothing for me..but i enjoyed the storyline..if she hadda been drow maybe

but i'm over blonde elf-chicks..HA!
Hope that Lyriel will be able to change your mind about her too
Some really great events this update. Being able to tell Rae about our dream is one of the many small touches that make love this game. Teaming up with Rae to tease Lyriel was also great.
Thank you. I really want to do more of those small reactive conversations, I feel like those add so much life to the game. Just need to find some time.
Is there a correct conversation path to do "better" when you first meet Lyriel? (Fuck you caitlin at least tell me how to do better.)
The very first time? Girls will be bummed out about Lyriel anyway, cause she is not really nice, but they won't be angry with you if you navigate the conversation without snapping.
Bit confused, where are you supposed to enter the patreon code, and how do you unlock the images in the gallery on the phone?
Patreon code is for the dream scene, phone images are unlocked via hidden items around the house.
I don't know about you, but I was honestly hoping for a "Let Naomi break her in half" option when she was bullying Cait. Like, seriously, I see some serious BDSM in your future if you keep picking on her g'yal, elfy.
I can confirm that there will
some stuff in Lyriel's future.
The new girl, Lyriel reminds me a lot like one of those High Elves from Skyrim in the College of Winterhold with her attitude and how she thinks she's greater than everyone else.
There are definitely some parallels there
Well i have to tell you.....Your game is really amazing i enjoyed this update so much. shame it's not longer but anyway keep it up
Thank you, and I do struggle with productivity, unfortunately.
What are the consequences of the way you interact with Azra? I'm not talking about the visible stats, but like whether or not you're honest.
Does it have a lot of effect on the content you can access? I ask because I'm not a fan of games with a "one right path" relying on the values of hidden variables.
As of right now you can't lock yourself out of parts of the story/events. You can skip certain events and there are small changes that depend on your choices, but it's a sandbox-ish game overall.
Really not a fan of player choices in the kitchen with Caitlin and Lyriel. Either have to let her walk all over Caitlin or take a penalty to Caitlin's intimacy. Ready to chuck the blonde bitch into the never ending void
This particular event will be expanded. I cut a bit too much from it, and yes, the remaining options are not satisfactory.
I really hope that one does get revised at some point. I'd say relatively low priority as it's in the past now (I took the intimacy hit, not like it's hard to gain back), but it would be nice to have a better option in future playthroughs.
It will, maybe in 0.4.2 if I can fit it in.
There was missed opportunity for reaction in the end. I fucked Azraesha in the kitchen while Lyriel was watching tv at the couch.
Btw. I think I saw possession typoed as posession at some point.
Yes, Rae's kitchen sex option will be updated with a number of reactions from/to Lyriel, this addition just didn't make the cut for 0.4.0 and 0.4.1, unfortunately. And thank you for the typo report.
I can only sleep and I've been talking to both at every time in game.
If one of those two things were the issue, I wouldn't be here asking.
You quest log is empty? Could you upload or PM me your save? Something could be broken.
i am stuck at naomi main quest. it says "proceed with main storyline" i had all dreams and all other activities from 0.38.
and it didnt get a trigger/dream for the elf. can somebody give me a tip
Thank you for providing the save, I will have a look.