I dont have a problem with harlots, but all story with this one annoying as fuck. After MC and Liryel went to her world, all arc with her reunion with aunt was pure dissapointment. Aunt was made instantly from brothel whore to badass woman (made those 3 who degraded her like piece of shit, suffer in the dungeon thinking that their were responsible for niece disappearence). She was responsible for her niece almost being gangraped because of her lifestyle which lead to this situation and she didnt even felt sorry or bad about it, just worried where Liryel was. No sorry, no remorse, nothing.
And then main part, I know that MC is stranger for her, but trying to threat/intimidate man who have outstanding magical abillities and who saved her niece from death/gangrape or all at once? And he kept niece safe and good for a long time after. Where was MC self respect during cellar threatening and questioning incident? Why didnt he confronted this arrogant attitude from a prostitute who were responsible for this mess from the start? He was silently listening to her threat attempts and general daring to presure man who fixed her total fuckup. Oh, and one more thing, as a man who had experience with prostitutes, I can tell that harlot-badass woman charachter even more "fantasy" then magic itself)