I don't, but the dev hides everything behind "hints" and throughout this thread they have opted to be as obtuse as possible when it comes to assistance. I've blackballed it also, this is the most irritating game with one of the more irritating devs I have ever seen on this site or any other. There should be an award for such a horrid display.
People gripe about Corrupted Saviors being obtuse and hard to get through, but at least once you figure out that system everything clicks and it is a tight and well-made piece of work. This is just awful.
Thank you for your comments / feedback... I do not try to the be the most irritaing dev on here..
Please understand I am trying to say this is the nicest possible way..
But not all things in life are for everyone.. people have different tastes.. and expectations and interests.
I am trying to build a game that is not going to be a walk in the park.. its not going to be collection of porn that presented behind a series of arbitrary mouse clicks.. And I will stress again.. I am a million miles away from what I want this game to be eventually, I totally accept it is not what I want it to be yet.
I have tried to make the hints in game (and where that fails me on here) some what vague because I want the player to have to work for it.. I dont want the game to have its own walk through because thats not a game.. thats a knovel dressed up as a game.. I have made some errors in the code and triggers have not matched hints.. and thats where I have felt the need to jump in and offer support... and in some places early on I did back down from my stand point and end up writing hints that were litterally go here at this time and do this..
From a development point of view... it would be much much much easier for me to throw together something that was just a click here, move on to next step. no effort game. And that would probably please alot of people.. probably more people.. but there are lots of games that do that.. and do that well.. I want this to be different (if that different good or bad.. thats for each person to make their mind up)
Again I am sorry if this game is not for you.. And sorry if I am not for you either!
I literally had a discussion with the dev previously about that...he's still doing it? Yeah, this is an easy drop. It's not like the game is unenjoyable, but he has way too much ambition and not nearly enough content to play the "well play and figure it out!" because too many things are dead ends. 50+ NPCs, and no direction in early game is not a "figure it out" scenario. The *DEV* thinks its obvious because he wrote the damn thing. As an active game tester for a lot of projects, I am constantly finding bugs and breaking things because I do things the devs never even consider. Hell, AAA games have that problem.
Hi Sorreah.... Im not going to appologise for having too my ambition.. I have also stated many times that the game is still in early phases of development... I am 1 person and not a games developing company.. I am not going to work on something for 3-5 years before release.. I like the feedback I am getting and being able to include that in the development of the game.
Yes the game is going to be with its bugs.. and yes the players of this game have and will mention bugs to me which I do my best to then fix (before breaking something else).
I too have done games testing.. And have also played so many games where I cant believe they have got to public release without the dev/beta testing spotting major issues.. I do believe some games are released as beta these days and the first patch is there to fix all the errors actual games identify.
If you take a game like Diablo 4... and you sat down and played that game 3 years before its public release, you would pull that apart.. This doesnt work.. there are no missions, where is the story mode, where are all the items. why doesnt half the attacks do anything.. One is there only 1 playable char...
Unless I have totally misunderstood this site.. and if thats the case I do appologise. Most of the games on here are not complete, they are underdevelopment. Some of the best games here, are years into developments and still not complete.. I should know, I have played them from their early days..
I cant have been more clear about where this game currently is in its development and where I want it to go.
I also have tried to do my best to explain what sort of game it is going to be, and why this will not appeal to all.. and that is fine.
Again, I appricate your comments and feedback.. and where points are useful to the development.. I do take them onboard and do or am going to implement them..
Hopefully some day you will look back on this game and see it in a more developed state and think... "well its not my sort of game but yes.. I can see why people who like that sort of game will like it"