Ive had quite a long day thinking about the game after reading more of the comments oh here this morning..
I am trying, hell im putting in some hours, to improve the game while also increasing the content. But its starting to feel like the same issue keeps coming up.. (now that I have solved most of the other regular complaints about the previous versions).
- Lack of content or to put another way, amount of charectors and locations that have no content.
- No Save file
- Game is too hard - hints are too obtuse.
- Grind
I will start with the save file.. I have no intention at this time to change the way the game saves. Sorry
Lack of content, charectors that do not have content.. and grind... I am going to try to work on these two issues with a single solution.. more introduction to a npc style quests, that can be accessed with out very high stats, will give small boosts to stats on completion and mean that more charectors at least have some starting development and stats are raised by doing these rather than grinding out the porn mag or like.
And the all important - Game is too hard..
So this is my lightbulb moment today..
I am going to introduce in all patreon version going forward from v0.4 a settings menu. I will move themes into the settings menu, and put another button called walkthrough mode.
Walkthrough mode... This is going to be a flick on/off switch where you can change the quest desc / hints from current obtuse style, to Go here, at this time, and click this style...
I am also considering adding buttons to +1 str, +10money, +1dom etc..
Hopeful this will make the game easier to play for the people who want to play that way and leave the game intact for the people who like to play that way it currently is. But also, as it will be able to be flicked on and off, the player could use it if they feel they are really stuck on something and then switch it back off.
Luckily the changes I made to the engine for this release will make doing this very possible compared to how the quest info was working on the previous versions.
Please be honest about how you feel about this possible new feature and if you think it would help solve the key issue identified.
As always, I am listening and taking onboard everything thats said, and trying to come up with solutions..