Now its been a while since I have used Linux.. I would be very interested in making the game as cross platform friendly as possible so if you are able to help with that, I would appricate.. If I put all media files in lower case and referred to them in code the same, would that fix the issue?
Yes -- The issue is that you've mixed case. You're making calls with caps, yet your files are lower case. Then there's the file tags in upper and lower case as well. One way or the other, Please!
egarding the bullies.. I am going to add a first meeting with each. which will give the user a heads up that these are people you want to avoid unless you are looking to lower your sub/dom (in a quick but costly way).
Did you say your sister is now bullying you? Ok I might need to look at the mechanics of this.. I do want some of the other npcs to bully you more if you become more sub to their dom.. but not for all your money..
Also I want the like to over rule the sub / dom.. so yes if someone likes you say over 10.. then even if they are dom to your sub they should decide not to bully you.. Will look into that also..
Sure did say Sis was doing a number on me. Tried to speak with her at dinner and OUCH! I only had four pounds and without sufficient capital to take it away, it doesn't get taken away, so it didn't matter, but still! At the time, she had a like well into at least the thirties. I can't look back at it now, since I got disgusted and tried again, then did my best to avoid males. At least you don't get bullied that way.
It should be 10 pounds a day for pocket money from mother.. which should allow you to afford the mobile phone (if you have lost the 50 you started with) within a few days. At the moment a few of the chars will respond differently at different locations / times.. but most do not (this is only the first release.. eventually they will).
One pound a day, I can vouch for that. The FIRST thing I did was buy the mobile, so that i couldn't be done over by the bullies by accident. It happens when you're click-click-clicking just to get through stuff you've already seen, which is one of my issues. At one pound a day, it sounds like a punctuation issue. I'd look for a full stop where it doesn't belong. Computers don't require the trailing zeros readers rely upon.
Haven't seen much in the line of different responses, unless they were in different locales. First time through i made the mistake of getting rid of the porn mag. early. This run through, I have to ask, Why Do I Have Lock Picks when they're COMPLETELY and TOTALLY USELESS? I was able to run my corruption up by sitting there and wiping out my wrist and finger to run that up over 200. At least THAT was on target. However, I got GF's text addy. long before I got the scene where she grabbed the mobile from me to add it. You need to look at that.
Something else you need to think about is, when your strength is well over 70, as mine was, why do you lose strength when you're bullied? That's PAINFUL to overcome, when you lose 10 strength and who knows how much Fight when you're bullied and you aren't expecting it. That and while 10 Pounds doesn't sound like much, when Mummy only gives you one, that's agonising! It's well over a week to replace it!
When i play games, I'm something of a completionist. I want to see all the faces in the rogues' gallery. THAT'S how i lost it all. I had no idea i was wiping out so much at one time. The only value i was watching was Dom/Sub. The cash was bad, but the strength? OUCH. That was well into the negatives. You only gain up to 3 strength per day. But to lose 10? On TOP of 10 quid? NO FAIR, INEQUITABLE, and just plain BOGUS! It left me with this really manky looking wounded look.
I think I need to double check all the hints are correct.. I think most should be. which tell you what you need to proceed with the quests.. I would say buying(and setting up) the mobile phone is a key starting point.
You do. In this run through, I have the shop keep at 27 or 28 and No Job Offer Possibilities. I HAVE found the three times per day you can go and speak with people to rack up the likes, but that's STILL a S$&^ Tonne of clicking to get through the day.
Yep, Buy that puppy straight away. That way, bullies can't slow your progress. At one pound a day, it's MAJOR SLOW DOWN. Needing the balaclava and having to pay 100 quid is outrageous! No more than ten or twenty! What's it made of, Platinum? They're not even wool these days! 100 Days to a balaclava? No WAY!
The shopkeep need like 30+ the mobile phone and charisma 20... and then you can start the quest with him at 9am saturday..
Hope that helps.. sorry its been so frustrating.. I hope to iron out most of this by the next release.. I do appricate you taking the time to tell me your issues with the game as I will help me make it better
Hints show Shopkeep needing 25. Last game I was at 33 and still no joy when i created a new game. Charisma is EASY. The mirror in the toilet at home, plus the four books. Borrow all four at the same time and you just keep them. Then, once per day, you can read the books and bump your stats, giving you two charisma per day. I had forty some charisma by the time i tried to land a job. Day 25, remember?
I was super frustrated. I mean, really. How many hours of unrewarding clicking do you need to reach day 25? Think on that. That's where i was. I trust I didn't call anyone names? I hope. I was about to that point.
IF I DID: i'm sorry.
File Names:
I've been playing with 'puters for quite some time. In MY estimation and IMHO, file name tags like .jpg, .png .gif and the like, NEED to be lower case. They are system tags, not name tags. You've a gif file for Mum at work that had a file tag of .GIF. Then there were the jpeg files that had .JPG for tags. Talk about beating my head against the wall. Thankfully, Caja has a renaming routine that allows me to change the case of all the files in multiple directories by searching for jpg or gif. Now if it would only allow me to use wild cards. For that, i have to go to a command line and it's been aeons since i played that game. There was a time when things were almost strictly UNIX commands. Times have changed.
Like/Dislike and Bullying:
You need a mechanism to gain back the likes, as well as replenishing your dom portion of your stats. You can't just strip it, or you lose out. People should be allowed to redeem themselves.
Being able to bounce your stats up and down should be something you can do. It will prolong game play for one thing. It will reduce, NOT remove the need to be able to edit the save. I MISS being able to save-scum. It forces me to play the game all the way through for every different scenario and that can be PAINFUL, given how much grinding there is. I don't have qualms with playing by the rules, but there comes a time when you want a REVENGE tour and being able to edit a save to become GODDESS-LIKE is a requisite for that.
A game mechanic for that could be, selling images of Sis to Arnold. That should give dom points, since it's an evil Bas#$@# who would do that to his or her sister.
Even taking secret up-skirt photos should give you a dom point.
Speaking of sales ... WHEN can you do that? A hint should be there for that. That, or the dialogue for it should be removed until you can.
Another is, what purpose does the music CD serve? So far, it's dead weight ... unless you can sell it. Why can't you?
What purpose does it serve?
What purpose does the Music stat have or serve?
Why do I need socks and pants?
Why can't I go without socks until someone requires i wear stockings or tights, be they sheer or otherwise?
Why can't I go commando until someone requires i wear knickers?
It's an If Then Else statement in pascal. I don't know about html: If Stockings Required by XX can't leave house = false then go outside, else put stockings on.
Are you a CSN fan? With a handle like yours, it makes me think of the CSN song Darkstar.
Why is the sky blue?