Hello and thank you..
Yes.. plural is correct... there are now in total 3 male NPCs who can bully you(different locations have different results), one Trans (depending on path in one quest)also with 2 different locations and also generic bullys, who atm one is a boy in 2 locations.. and 1 a girl / girls in which are different in 1 location each..
I will be looking to add more bullies in and around the town in time, and as this does lend itself well to the gay/bi content then this will be built on..
I do also plan to continue and finish the 2 gay quests that are currently started..
The next update will be content update.. where the focus will be more on quests development.. which quests, will come down to votes on my patreon.. The gay content does often get a few votes, so its possible that some of that will feature again soon..
I am trying to keep everyones interests going, but it a bit like spinning plates at times lol
Thanks again