Mary reveals she knew about MC cheating on her. They have a huge fight here. (I chose deny because admitting can be considered they forgave each other) Then they entirely forget about this. It matches the Zoe revelation, so we can brush it off by saying they have bigger problems at the time but they never revisit and they are all lovey-dovey until the next therapy session.
They are fighting at the therapy again though. So they did not forgive or forget. So why do they act like that?
If you denied cheating in this scene or therapy scene, Mary knows you are lying. Fred knows he is lying also. He is guilty and therefor does not press Mary on the issue of her cheating, as he is hoping maybe she believes his lie, and by not bringing it up, it will go away.
Between the therapy and cucking with Derek, they are good again but I have a suspicion that Olivia(therapist) suggested Mary to revenge-cheat on MC so we can think Mary acting all good because she decided to do it and MC acting good because he thinks everything okay. It's stupid, especially on MC's part but it's plausible so we can skip this part.
Again, when Mary comes down from the therapy session and is in good spirits, Fred hopes things are going well, maybe Olivia talked her into forgiving Fred, so again, he will not say anything, as why cause issues when it will just spark up the problems that he wants to avoid. Olivia did talk to her in private, but we don't show what was said. We will reveal this eventually.
Now, this is the FUBAR part. Unless it's entirely reworked I don't think it's saveable. She literally forced MC to watch her fuck another random guy, MC literally begs to stop it. She does it anyway. After that, next day, they only talked about it briefly and she said you deserved it. Let me remind you, MC was ready to kill Charlie after what he pulled. I can say lots of thing here but I don't think anything short of writing entire cheating path, especially after Derek incident with all the new renders looks like is only solution.
Yes, and she explained why she did this to him. He hates that she did it, but he also sees her point, to an extent. He has cheated on her, probably multiple times. He does not have the high ground to stand on here. He is just as guilty as she is, but as she explained, she is not doing it behind his back. She knows, and has heard from other people, which can be even more humiliating. No one other than the person she fucks (Derek/Jacob) knows about her infidelity, but there are multiple people who know he is cheating on her. Which is worse? Being humiliated to your face, or everyone but you knowing what your spouse is doing, and possibly laughing behind your back about it? (or this is how Mary sees it.)
I knew cheating path was not going to work after the gloryhole scene tbh. Preparing picnic for cheating wife is not within the MC's character.
He is trying to understand what happened, and he also never gave her a chance to explain. This is early into their 'lifestyle' change, and he wants to try to understand what is going on, so he tries to be the good loving husband, knowing they will talk about what happened.
Also, you mentioned Sonya in the key party scene. The wife you were with is not based on choices, it is completely random for this scene.
We added in dialogue to show more of the 'cheating' path with them being upset with each other, however, and I have stated this before, the truly logical outcome of this would be for them to split up. But we are not ready to end the story, even along this path, at this time. We have some things we want to get to before we have that scenario. Once we get to that point, then we will allow the player to fully show Fred's anger, and then decide what he should do about it.