No rest for the wicked, while this game is on its last chapter they are working on 2 new games
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Poll- Reporter Game title page
5 hours ago
Ok, we need some input for this one also. This will be the title page for the other game we will be working on. It is the reporter from the news station.
The name of the game will be The Tanner Files - Veiled Exposé
Her name is Lauren Tanner (though Lauren is default, it can be changed)
Here are the two images. One is of her with the hair she has in ALWL. The other is with longer hair, which she will be changing to during the game. Which Title page should we use. for promotions, etc.
First image - Shorter Hair
Second image - Longer Hair
(Looks like hot weather giirl and Margaret will be in this game, maybe Sarah can make it too as the flirty bartender whose always hitting on Lauren)
Will Lauren be bisexual or atleast the option like “her desire” you can play her straight only, lesbian only or bisexual (best of both worlds and most content)