Sadly I have to give this game 3 stars in its current state. Here are some reasons why I believe there could be better out there:
- The character models are hit and miss. I think it is no coincidence that right off the bat you are introduced to the MC's GF at a rolling start, having already set the status of relationship mid-way. I think this is because the creator knows that if we could choose, the majority of us would not want to date Chloe. She is skinny, with an odd shaped head, hair that looks like a weave and the most unappealing wardrobe of anyone in the game. The creator obviously went out of his way to make Chloe look as plain and unattractive as possible in order to make our main squeeze, Nicole, look that much more appetizing by contrast. If you take out some of the other factors supporting Nicole as the MC's object, she falls short of many other Milf waifus out there. Things would be more interesting if you were dating young Nicole with her mother looking a bit more like Abigail, wrinkles and all.
- English is definitely not the creator's first language, and it makes going through some dialogue painful to my eyes. I'm sure the creator could find the courage to ask an English speaking fan to edit this trainwreck to make it more presentable from a storytelling perspective. It's so bad you might as well skip through dialogue and make it up as you go along, using the images as hints to what is being said.
- Sex scene animations are second-rate at best, 'nuff said.
- Putting a (relatively difficult) minigame so early in the game is a bit jarring. I literally lost the game within 5 minutes of starting because of the nature of this unimaginative minigame. Why bother putting it in at all?
- Later in the game the character arc forces you to be a borderline rapist around Nicole consistently. Even if you make choices that would imply passivity and calm, you are forced into situations where your character makes irrational, risky and rapey moves. What's the point of giving us choices that make us as the player seem like a kind and caring sort, but force us to act out in an irrational and aggressive manner anyway?
- The creator hyped up this character defining choice mid way through and towards the end the game forces our hand anyway??? Why remind us constantly that there is this choice on the horizon, making us feel like we should remember what is going on in order to make an informed decision later on, and then steal that choice from us? This just seems lazy and uninspired to me.
- The creator goes out of his way to make John seem like a bastard to us the player, while at the same time not making it as apparent to the MC. This is a way of breaking the 4th wall in a way that ruins immersion for some people. It takes us out of the shoes of the character and forces us to make borderline sociopathic choices simply because we the player know things that the MC does not. I could go easy on this part of my criticism because it's probably the least problematic thing about the story, but it's still irksome.