I'm stuck and I don't know what I have to do to progress in the story. Every single day, nothing changes as far as my options go. Could someone help me? Here is where I'm at:
1/ Main story: I rescued the two girls and infiltrated the brothel, and I identified the succubus among the employees. Sarah has been told and I'm waiting for her new plan.
2/ The tavern: I'm stuck with the same dance routine since the beginning, the one that earns only 11 silver. The bartender does not even use my "stage name", while everyone in town does use it. As for the wench job, I got the new clothes (the yellow pants and brassiere), the customers grope "me" and invite me to remove the top, but nothing more, and that has been the case for several days now.
3/ Old man: I chose to live with the old man, but it's been now three or four times I bathed him naked and he only expresses the wish to avoid an erection.
In addition, there is a bug, because, while doing that, he is supposed to wash my clothes, but, the next day, punished me for not having washed them... which sets the "washing" timer to zero, ie: I have to wait three days to get access to the bathing/washing scene again, instead of two.
Can someone help me understand what I'm missing?