Keep working at the brothel(blowjobs and handjobs) until you get the option for vaginal sex and anal sex. Keep working with anal sex until Victoria becomes addicted to it. You can see this in the mirror thing in the brothel and you will also get a heart icon next to the character in her profile. After Victoria is completely addicted to anal sex, go near the old lady's house and you have a mark where she can start prostituting to do butt slut at prostitution ? please need answer
I think that's the only content for nowwhat do you do when you get to the city? just repeat the milking and glory hole?
(have the passport but going back to the town freezes the game)
I also hope they fix the innkeeper bug where when victoria saves the women from the slave camp and gets the hand mirror from one of them and accepts the innkeepers offer it prevents you from getting emma's addiction scene out of the way for blowin the fat bastard and end up havin to stay with your chosen house instead of the inn.I can't believe i am goin to say this but, i am hoping that on a future update when victoria escapes her home at the start of the game she grabs one of her valuables and sells it on the way to town so she can decide to stay at the inn from the start if her corruption is high enough, like without the cheat skull let the old man feel her up and be mean to the upset guy and that could be enough.
it can be just completed by 1 day or must be several day to do it ?Keep working at the brothel(blowjobs and handjobs) until you get the option for vaginal sex and anal sex. Keep working with anal sex until Victoria becomes addicted to it. You can see this in the mirror thing in the brothel and you will also get a heart icon next to the character in her profile. After Victoria is completely addicted to anal sex, go near the old lady's house and you have a mark where she can start prostituting herself.
If you can use cheats,you will be able to do it in a day i can be just completed by 1 day or must be several day to do it ?
the washing lady at the river in town, who gives you the clothes aswellhow can find a mirror in the quests please help me ?
what must i to do with that cheat? is that to change number of cum ?If you can use cheats,you will be able to do it in a day i guess...
Go to items-->key will find a cheat that and enter the code 80005981. Then you can change stats.I think you can also change cum addiction as well.what must i to do with that cheat? is that to change number of cum ?
3 weeks ago he said that a new update will come but suddenly his parents appeared and he never said something to the update release from 3 weeks ago. Money on my mind
it takes as long as it takes. Too many projects on my mind that were closed cuz of the pressure of the their own fan-community.3 weeks ago he said that a new update will come but suddenly his parents appeared and he never said something to the update release from 3 weeks ago. Money on my mind