Ok, so I've been playing the newest version that's available here, 1.0.2, of AND for a few hours now. I have a couple of questions that are partially answered in this thread based on older versions, but I'm hoping to get some updated answers. Any replies to any or all of these is helpful!
1.) So, I'm living with the creepy guy. Getting the dreams, etc. I'm now topless when I enter the house, but the dreams are starting to repeat themselves after I had the one where she starts to think about whoring herself out for money. When does he finally progress to offer the Breast Enlargement potion? all he ever says is "I love your boobs!" My corruption value is -184. Am I doing something?
2.) I work at the tavern. I dance and work the tables. Dancing is always the same, always get the "awkward, awkward, awkward" text, while I am now flashing patrons more willingly in the bar and in the city. I get the "want to see my tits?" dialogue when I flash people in town. Progression seems to be working there, but not with the dancing. Anything I'm missing to progress to the bunny costume?
3.) Debbie waves me out as soon as I come in. I don't even get to talk to her at all. It's been a long time. When does this progress as well?
4.) I went to talk to the witch south of town. I agreed to the potion and came back the next day. Had me gather ingredients, including the goblin cum. I just had to take a taste, but the game progressed, she said to come back the next day. Next day I went back and she says "More in later update" Is this really not implmeneted yet? That's just poor design if so, she shouldn't even be an option, the soldiers shouldn't gossip about her, and she shouldn't be in the game if that is as far as her quest goes.
Anyways, that's all I had for now. Thanks!