VN - Ren'Py - Completed - A Promise Best Left Unkept [Bonus S2 Ep 9-11] [Hangover Cat]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Already a ntr classic!
    As of 0.5.5 with one route (of many to come) and the dedicated ending to it this already charts within the top ranks of the ntr genre.
    There is nothing to wish for honestly, because the dev is very possibly already working on it now or at some point.
    This is yet my 2nd consideration to support a dev financially so keep it up!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a very strong work, a vast improvement over The Edge Of and so far the best NTR game I've played. It manages to be very innovative and keeps a solid and believable setting while respecting the tropes and beats of a "standard" NTR story, this is no simple feat. I held off on playing it until there was an ending as The Edge Of was already very promising and I wanted to read a fully coherent story to give the game a fair assessment and it didn't betray my expectations. [I played with all POVs from the start]

    The plot is good, Laura is a very well written character, as are Harry and Luca. I have reservations about blackmail but the setting made it palatable, and the rules were a stroke of genius. The artworks are gorgeous and small illustrated panels add a lot of vitality, the music choices and the usage of music in general are great, sound effects are satisfactory, the rules tab is excellent, and full text screens usage has improved from The Edge Of. The amount of text itself is also carefully pondered, it never felt wordy when it didn't have to be.

    I have some remarks from my first impression playing the game, and additional remarks that came to me as I was thinking back on it. Here go the first impressions :

    • the initial artwork for the game made me think Aya and Laura were equal love interests, and the very first dialogue with Aya ticked me off enough that I closed the game and I only came back to it way later (something I may not have done if I didn't know the writer from The Edge Of)... Obviously my perception changed but it was a very rocky start. Using a cover artwork conveying that Laura is the main love interest could alleviate that ?
    • the business trip section felt underused as it came very early in the story, there was pretty much no threat to anyone involved (this may change once the Aya section is written ?), and it is very short so there's no change of setting. The only thing it brings seems to be the Aya choice and the return back train scene. I was expecting another business trip later to make up for it / introduce assymmetry but it never came (and it didn't even introduce all that much for there to be something to compare to on a return).
    • the music during the blowjob in the stalls section didn't change when Luca first hints that he understands Laura... Because the music is set to stop when someone enters the bathroom. To me Laura finding that someone instinctively understands his relationship to her mother is just as pivotal as the entrance of Harry so a "3-part musical section" (initial -> change -> stop) would have been a better fit. I understand how ridiculous this critic is for a work whose quality is far beyond the expectations on porn games but eh, first impressions are first impressions.
    • the double date at the movies didn't make use of its setting in regards to the Laura Luca relationship, it's just another sex in the bathroom stalls with a phone call. It may not grow old for the protagonists but it's not nearly as effective for the reader. I suppose this scene is written in preparation for Aya work, but still. Since the game works with cosmetic changes and movies often are in malls, there was a lot that could be done here, even disregarding the staples movies porn scenes (esp. since we're incentivized to look closer - and there's nothing to look that much closer at).
    • I found very hard to suspend my disbelief for the remote call scene. With nothing to constantly redirect the protagonist attention like the karaoke scene, and with how uncomfortable the setting sounded for Luca and Laura, it... didn't work for me ? I understand that the scene builds on Luca and Laura using rules to have "lover games" inscrutable to onlookers (something well handled all throughout) but that's not what bothered me. The yoga ball trick had already been used but what can work in a call doesn't make sense when you have a 60fps 1080p vision of the person you're talking to, there's nothing that indicates that the quality of the reception is bad pre-ejaculation as the images in the laptop have the same high quality as everywhere else. Also Luca is placing himself behind Laura in a split second while Aya speaks then aims perfectly at the camera (from behind her ? Or did he move again in front of the camera in a split second before teleporting back to his previous position ? Idk the logistics don't make sense to me, I (obviously) don't mind a clueless protagonist but the scene felt like it was missing some legwork.

    To cap it off on my first impressions I didn't unlock the ending(s) on my initial playthrough, notably as I didn't realize the first choice (did Harry hear or not) was a matter of trust towards Laura - I thought it controlled Harry's perceptiveness. Linking perception to trust felt a little bit like a remnant of The Edge Of logic. It doesn't matter all that much to me as I'm more interested in the process of the NTR than in the endings anyway and obviously this isn't a finished work yet.


    As a second part of sort I also have some ramblings from thinking about the game, that I feel are not necessarily as valuable for NTR games as they rely more on the initial magic and not on what you see behind the curtains once it has faded :

    • while I don't like Aya as a character all that much I really appreciate how she serves to setup the game in a "porny universe" (with caveats as mentioned by my first impression). The Edge Of's initial setting, with its serious tone, was harder to identify, but here is established from the get-go that we're not in "real world" cheating writing but a "somewhat silly porn" derivative world. It's one of the thing that's harder to do for non-RPGM games (since that support makes it obvious by itself) and it was handled in a clear manner - although as said before I didn't like how early it was made, when the game had not yet earned my trust.
    • I felt the game should have had a clearer stance on drugs. Once Laura realizes that she's not better at sex than the guy with 3 "world's best sex haver" trophies in his room, and before she starts disguising <losing choices> as <conveniently misguided pride/ego>, I feel there ought to be a lull where she earnestly tries to win (not just gain control) and drugs affecting sex drive would be an obvious solution. I fully understand this could bring a "chemical arms race" to the story which may not go with the desired tone (and the decision to omit "magical" aphrodisiacs in a NTR game is one I respect) but there could be a justification as to why the initially ruthless Laura wouldn't resort to it (I may have missed it).
    • Laura is very well written yet I still feel she has the same issue as the female protag in The Edge Of had : the plot partially hinges on Laura choosing to fail - Luca is smarter than the average fuckboi but is still a recognizable, identified quantity (as immediately understood by both female chars) and Laura could beat/see through him (after an initial setback) but chooses not to. This makes Laura a difficult character to depict : (1) she's smart enough to win, but plays (2) stupidly enough to leave openings to Luca yet (3) well enough to maintain the illusion she's trying her best. However, the reader doesn't get the receipts, (1) isn't proved to us : I didn't feel at any point in the story that Laura would be able to take the appropriate measures, preparation and care (she gets days to prepare) to beat Luca. Once one weakness of her is exposed, she doesn't plan to counteract it : that guy can make me come at will, this is fine ; during our marathon, I used rules for stupid things (no pinching/biting), oh well ; my very obvious attempt to restrict one day at a time misfired, wow I'm facing such a dastardly cunning opponent. Some could say the game isn't about a Death Notey's L vs Light duel of smarts in porn world but it... very much is ? Am I misunderstanding and we are to believe that, in fact, she just never was smart enough to win against Luca in the first place ?
    • This affects the perception of time in the game. Despite whole days and weeks passing, it doesn't feel like characters exist or think by themself when they're not interacting with one another. There's no "preparation time" per se, there's instead, just like the train handjob, actions taken as a result of an undisclosed preparation time that obviously misfire immediately because it was "preparation" in a very tenuous sense of the word.
    • It's all the more strange that the game at one point takes a very "numerical" approach, with open counting, dividing and prime numbers somehow. Unless this appeals to a specific fetish I'm unaware of, it seems the scene is about Laura being unable to maintain her concentration under dick-shaped duress. But this feels very artificial. Why not... Give Laura a winning strategy ? Since marathon sessions allow her to accumulate a number or rules before using them, she could very well have a strat like : accumulate, say, 6 rules, pass a rule allowing to pass a number of rules in a row without interruption or modification (and if that doesn't work another formulation of the same, etc), setup protections ensuring she can't lose again, then as last rule putting up protection against withdrawal of the newly introduced ? And just like the counting becomes gradually more complex, an issue in her plan could gradually add more constraints on what to keep track of before her attempt (need a reasonable ratio / balance to his number of undisclosed rules, need to keep X rules unused at any time in preparation for counterattacks...) . This gives her an actual sensible reason to count, shows her as a smart char, and leaves opportunities to reiterate themes of the story - maybe at some point she has the necessary number of points but decides against it for ego or pretexting ego, maybe as she fails Luca gives her another winning strat and she decides against it, etc. This may sound nerdy but it's less nerdy than having sex while shouting prime numbers.


    Again, I'm not sure feedback written once the magic has worn off is valuable for that kind of work. Thanks for the incredible quality of your game so far, and hopeful for those to follow.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably the best western NTR game by far. Compared to the author's previous work, the writing in this work has greatly improved. APBLU is undeniably one of the best NTR work done in terms of capturing the elements to make a great NTR plot, however it still does have its flaws.

    • Plot is the best element here, and without a doubt HC nailed it in this regard. Character personality, plot buildup and slow burn corruption is done and presented well.
    • Mystery and rule mechanic. Mysteries such as playing from Harry's perspective, trying to figure out whether Aya is on the other side of the room forces the reader to make assumptions about the plot. Meanwhile, the rule mechanic is something new that adds a lot of motive and depth to a NTR plot.
    • Presentation. Ranging from camera shakes to voiced background, APBLU applies a variety of known VN practices to improve scene quality. One underrated aspect is how APBLU handles marathon scenes, it applies varied voyeur-POV/wide-angle CGs of the scene. I find this to be very amusing, and presents the situation way better than static close-up CGs.

    • Artstyle is inconsistent, but context is more important.

    • Not a fan of the quick 180 hairstyle and personality change at the end. In my opinion, it was by no means bad, but I think subtle external changes (e.g. clothing) has more impact and feels more realistic than straight up turning into a different character.
    • The plot feels somewhat realistic riiiiight up till the end too. Laura was fully corrupted, but instead of divorcing Harry, she continued with the marriage. Throwing away all common sense and social responsibilities is a common trope in NTR, but honestly everytime when this genre tried to execute this, it never felt right, and it certainly didn't make sense to me in APBLU either.

    [Suggestions to HC]
    Other than plot negatives above, the game was great, and I hope you would continue to apply rules and wide-angle CGs to Aya's route as well.

    One concern that I have is resource dilution due to side characters. In my opinion, side characters should stay side characters in NTR games, meaning they should not be draining resources (CG/scene) during development, as it could end up lowering the quality for the main routes (Laura/Aya). Do consider to separate them into DLC content in IF scenarios later after the development is completed.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic work and it isn't even done yet. The game isn't too slow burn and also doesn't rush to the next scene. The logic behind the characters choices (almost) always make sense. Highly reccommend it to everyone who can stomach these types of games.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I begrudgingly gave 3 stars, even though I hated it.

    I mainly disliked it because I do not like "being" (mc) the guy that everything wrong happens to without option.
    Another word for this is NTR, but that alone doesn't bother me.
    The slow betrayal bothered me.

    If you like being that guy in shows/stories that realizes his love interests are doing other guys, this might be for you.
    If you don't like that topic, avoid. Avoid hard.

    That said, it has decent quality and good character portrayals.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Climax Cum

    I really like this game, the art is very good I like it and also the animation, the character design is very sexy I also like especially Aya, I really like Aya's character and I hope that later in Aya's character there will be pubic hair and it will be sexier according to me and I are still waiting for the threesome route and Aya route...10/10 for this game
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    What a genius idea from the dev to let the player experience the game from different perspectives. This was my firsrt VN i tried with Anime Renders because it was recommended here in several chats and to my surprise it is beautyful designed and really very great written. I was really surprised by how the dev is mindfucking the MC and Player with the story development. Its not something special but it triggers really emotions. And the best thing is that there are no censored animations which is usually for me a gamebreaker in such games. I ll keep an eye on more ganmes of this dev because its really a surprisingly different approach he is doing.
  8. 5.00 star(s)



    I'm not done playing through the current content, but I can already tell this is an S tier NTR story.

    People complaining about the dense MC and what not are missing the whole point. This is a standard NTR with all the expected tropes that define the genre. You have the dense MC. You have the female protag who is extremely susceptible to sexual corruption. You have the giga chad antagonist. It's not reinventing the wheel, but it expertly executes the tried and true progression of standard Japanese style NTR.

    Within this admittedly tropey framwork, we have some great characters and at least a plausible blackmail trigger to set things off. The male MC is the typical virtuous and loving boyfriend who can be seen as dense and frustrating if you are for some reason playing this to make him win. The female protag is very sharp and strong willed, but her poor corruption prone body just cannot win. There is a ditzy cute girl who can be surprisingly resolute playing the supporting role. The antagonist has unparalleled sex skills and manipulation skills.

    The unique twist that I have never seen in the huge amounts of NTR stories thus far is the "Rules" system. Spoiler. The antagonist proposes a game where they can set 1 rule every time either of them makes the other cum. The way this plays out is just pure gold in terms of corruption potential.

    The writing is top notch all around. The sex scenes take the Japanese style with copious sex dialogues to fap to. The art, sound effects, and animation support the dialogue nicely. The absolute best thing about this is the slow corruption of the female MC and her motivations and thought process throughout the arc. There are many NTR stories that do slow corruption due to sexual domination well, but I honestly have not seen one that explores the psychological aspect with as much nuance as this game.

    Any true fan of standard Japanese style NTR must play this.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    I just don't understand how people say the plot is so great with such a dumb MC. My dude literally notices that her pussy is more loose and still believes her lies. I don't love or hate NTR, I just enjoy nice scenes. It would be better to just leave the MC's prospective out if he is just going to act like a clueless, dumbass, generic beta cuck.

    Other than that, the art is really good and the scenes are really high quality. The characters have a bit of personality but nothing interesting enough to read through. There are multiple choices to make and endings planned which I think is a good thing and hope the mc doesn't act like a complete moron in the upcoming ones.
  10. 3.00 star(s)

    Sonu The Pilot

    I have played a lot of VNs and RPGs. But never seen a game with only total one side domination. Well the game is still in construction, I can't write much about it. But I don't think it's worth to play except for NTR fans at this point of the game. Review will be updated upon the game completion.
    Animations - 3/5
    Renders - 3/5
    Story - 3/5
    Models - 3/5
    Music - 3/5
    Overall Gameplay - 3/5

    (Actually thought of giving only 2 stars but for benefit of doubt added +1)

  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The NTR in this game is amazing. Hangover Cat went above and beyond with his art, it's just so beautiful. we are all here for the purple hair chick Laura, seeing her naked and bussiness uniform is hot. There is a lot of scenes as of 4.0 and I can't wait for a steam release when this is done.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Darbeli Matkap

    Wow! This game is it! At first, I was very much bothered by the amount of text which made the beginning of the story unbearable. But then when the blackmailing started, I didn't want to miss a single word of it. There is so much I can write about this game. I don't really have that time though. Just fucking play it. I only want to highlight one point in fact; Harry and Laura should be a married couple. It is only right and suits the story best imho. Everything else is very well done. Keep it up!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I have no words. That game made my day.

    Thats's a third HangoverCat game that i'm LITERALLY ENJOYING. This guy(s) know how to HURT ppl :)

    So then i saw their new project here that was a nobrainer. Instant download and play.

    AS V. 0.3.5 That game contains a lot of text even on MC perspective only. That's a really good written immersive story with a lot of suspence. Characters are really beautiful and well writen. Not to much to say about H scenes - I need second walkthrough to have an opinion on that.

    Music - 10 out of 10 - some chill sounds at usual moments and changes when story become somehow darker.

    And yes, guys, i'm hurt as hell here) 5 out of 5, awesome mystery ntr on MC perspective!
  14. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1465339

    I can’t honestly tell if this game was meant as a dark comedy or not. I very much dislike NTR, but after reading a review about it being a good story regardless of whether or not you liked NTR, I said why not. Oh boy man let’s start with the whole blackmail story element it seems a little far fetched to say that he succeeded when a simple investigation could have brought it out to light. So much for the girl actually being a “strong” woman. The whole rules thing that he’s just puts up with it when the dynamic is clearly in his favor was so ridiculous that I found myself . I straight up couldn’t stop laughing on the floor. I guess if I was into NTR I’d give it more stars, but personally, I found the story average. Either way thanks for the laughs.:ROFLMAO:
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    By far better than the first and the first was a really goooood game. The writing is excellent. I mean really good writing, this is one of the few games that I don't want to fast click for the next scene. I love the build up and I'm glad the dev included seeing both sides from the start. I love new 2 frame animated scenes too btw. Hats off, I'll become a patreon.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Alex Frost

    Game is great. Awesome art, cool story,, great characters. Not very much gameplay, but the story is so good one shouldn't care. If you are a fan of blackmailing and don't bother about NTR (and you shouldn't , since the main character has less "screentime" that all other characters)
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5 game.
    The story, pacing, and visuals are all top tier.
    Version 3.0 has a few hours on content and definitely worth checking out.
    The NTR is really good, some of the pictures/still-frames are higher quality than the rest of the game which is great
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    These sorts of 'behind the scenes NTR' are kind of their own genre. If you value realism over instant gratification then it is the thing for you. Especially great that you can switch from protagonist POV to all POV. I first played through the protagonist POV and thought it was good but a bit short on content. Then I played all POV mode and realized it's about twice or three times the content, full of explicit scenes.

    These types of games live and die by their writing, and this writing is almost perfect. The female starts as genuinely 'pure' or normal, but becomes more sexual in a very authentic way.

    Absolutely do try it, if you're into this sort of game. One of, if not the, best game in its genre.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Critique - v 0.2.5

    If you're into mystery NTR that gets the adrenaline pumping then this is the game for you!
    You get to play this game from all perspectives so you won't miss out on any of the hot sex scenes.

    Drawings good - 8/10

    Animation decent, was much better in the Dev's last VN - 7/10

    Story line/ writing is pretty good, you really see into the minds of the characters and you're drawn into their stories. I doubt this could be improved upon 9.5/10

    Can't wait to see how the Dev will improve the game when sound is added.

    I get that this is a story and aspects will be unrealistic, but some aspects are really kinda unbelievable. I don't care if you are in your early 20's, there is no bloke alive that can cum 12 times in one night.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewing v0.3.5:
    There's an "enable rollbacks" option now... instant +1. The newly added content over the latest 2 releases keeps being strong (art: okay/above average, story: mostly great [if you manage to suspend your disbelieves for a bit -- it's still a work of (unsettling) fiction], production quality: very good [few typos/misplaced facial expressions]). Given that I now have a slightly better understanding of the intended scope of the project, there's only one major grievance I can share: IMHO, Aya comes off as too unlikable/annoying in the earlier parts of the game, hence I wouldn't choose to let the MC go after her... -- maybe a tweak here or there might fix that!? Otherwise: This one hurts so good that it's still a strong 4.5 for me.

    Reviewing v0.2.5:
    Except for "I wish this game was designed with more meaningful choices (and: alternative, branching paths) in mind" and "I dislike the fact that the developer disabled rollbacks" (and chose to leave us with a log/history), there isn't really much bad to say about this game. In fact, there are plenty of good things to say... which you can already read up in other reviews. -- In short: If I didn't know how to re-enable rollbacks, this game would be a 3.5 (at best) for me... b/c the story actually matters. And w.r.t. to the lack of choices/branching paths, well... each release progresses the story substantially, and -- so far -- releases are (quite) steady ...which you probably couldn't expect if choices/paths were a thing. Overall, this leads me to a rating of 4.5. -- To the developer(s): Keep up the good work, keep surprising me.