Was looking for a new game. Decided to give this a try after seeing it off and on in the updates list. All i can say is holy crap!!! This is so far the best ntr game i have played in years!!!
The art is great. Love the inclusion of animations, you don't see that often in anime style games. The writing is excellent. Hope the endings are just as good as the rest of the game.
in most ntr games the MC usually does it to himself when his girl is stolen due to his personality (jealous, lazy, insensitive, ect.) But in this game i genuinely feel bad for Harry. He loves Laura so much he would do anything to make her happy. He is Kind, motivated and loving. To me, this game is more about the downfall of Laura. The antoganist is the sterotypical cocky Chad and she is almost slutifying herself to spite her face.
Hope there is a Karma ending where Harry ends up sucessful and happy and she realized she has become nothing more than a cock hungry whore and that she cucked herself out of a good life. This can happen as she ends up working at the same escort service alongside her mother and maya and realize she has become her mom in the end and fucked herself over losing the perfect man and great career due to her own sluttery, or she ends up pregnant and abandoned after the antagonist finds a new toy to play with and trys to get Harry back only to have him coldly reject her.
I fully expect the other endings to likely be the sterotypical ntr cuckold endings (nothing wrong with that, still like those endings if done right, just makes most ntr overly predictable) and whatever endings grumpycat wants he can do, its still his story and its a great one. Call me impressed. Just gained another patreon