cmacleod42 Gotta say I love this game you have put together over the years, but I have to ask do you have any idea on what the final version will look like? as I feel like all 3 paths are still unfinished in some way, I know there is an endgame state but no real sense of the narritive going towards an ending (at least on the apprentice path the one I prefer to play over the others) I have not played the other 2 paths in ages so I cant say for sure that they are similar but given the games set up I can imagine they are.
All the paths are variations on the overall story, just different ways and flavours to achieve them
The major things unresolved as far as I plan (some path differences)
- Jessica if you do not free her and she escapes or escapes during the Seance (all paths)
- Romance Sarah (Apprentice path or Conspiracy path)
- a final resolution for Kurdorf, Demons and the 'thin' place (all paths)
lesser arcs (or optional in the overall plans)
- Davy post charm, optionally returning home
- good apprentice path (new)
- consequences of charming Lauren (apprentice path)
- a proper revenge for Catherine, more details/discussion/input in transformation of Mr Beasley and events thereafter
- a rival/enemy vampire of Lilith
- a vampire hunter from the church, or a demon hunter/exorcist
- Mr Tanika and the other Mrs Bartel
- Campers
The primary resolution of the overall story will be the Kurndorf/Demon story. Most others are on the way, little else there is necessary, they are stories planned but not required