First of all I have to say that I like this game, however there are quite a few things that feel weird when I'm playing it:....
Thank you for the feedback, I aways appreciate comments and thoughts on the game. This game has been in development for a long while and by differing developers and some of this issues you mention are legacy of this. Others are just where we have not got around to expanding on the game yet.
You can thank the person 'Northwind' at the Hypnopics collective for a number of the things you liked there, notably the Leanne conversation, Tracy's attack and Gabby
Otherwise I will address some of this
1. Yes Davy should be a lot more active, and does attack a lot more on the Murder path. I have always considered that he is being influenced strongly by Kurndorf, essentially charmed by him. Kurndorf's goal is not Davy controlling the town, it is his resurrection, and remember Davy is obsessed with Kate so a lot of his free mana ges to charming her repeated ly (potentially)
I am in development of a new path where he is a LOT more active, it will be a variant of the apprentice path
2. Please remember here Gabby's objective is not general control like YOURS but just the control of your Mom, Alex. So she is trying to control her, and is it possible this has not started until she arranges for Mom to return to work
3. All spells are learnt from the Book, never purchased as such, and we now have two effective dispells in the game now, the Silver Ring and Tina
Agreed, Invisibility is under used which is why it as added for use with Camryn for instance, but Pass has a lot of uses, and Clairvoyance has quite a few too
4. All of the money issues is a legacy of the original game design and gameplay balance, but should be reviewed
5. Victoria is definitely under used, and there will be some more of her in the next release. The Bank Security guard is a good friend of hers. Otherwise stones did not work as they are generally descibed as valueless in the game so would not be bought or sold by her.
6. The new path I mentioned above will cater to this, all sex is via seduction in that path, via saving people from Davy as it will start with most people charmed by him.
There has also been discussed a path to seduce Tracy given the event when you first meet her after freeing her from Davy
Just to note, Conspiracy path came in because of a request from a player who did not want to kill Sir Ronald by wanted to go their own way