And where does the state get the money to repair the damage of the greedy?
Ask Van and Eric if in Question
Of course,of the people. Because state is made up by the people.
But my point is not that we suffer because of the greedy, by paying high taxes that we pay one by one.
My point is, you being an individual being cannot put the banks into debts, because they will not allow it. It is like you go to the bank and say: "Hey dude, give me 30 million dollars. I'll pay you tomorrow" They will say: My ass will give you 30 million dollars, we must talk about it, and then if you can give us back the money plus interest we will give you the money"
As a town they cannot say no, because of the offer and demand. Do you imagine that the electric companies stop giving us supply because the bank say no to lend them money?What a fucking disaster. The electric companies have the market, the people need the market, and the bank cannot say no to the market.
Other example is the healthcare system: The hospitals can say no as individual, they can let you die if they want. But if there is an epidemic disease, they cannot say no.They will act even if they dont want.
You think Giron will give anyone money? ...Did you hear anything he said before?
If the local traders goes bankrupt some travelling merchant will eventually come over, until than he makes special orders in Kirlic.
The people will just have to pay the higher prices and obviously he needs to increase taxes for risen prices
If this "anyone" have the market, he doesnt have any choice.It is worse to have angry peasants at your door asking your head.
If Lucius and Grant goes down, They will ask money to the baron. If the baron doesnt give them money, Lucius and Grant cannot supply the people, and point the guilt to the baron. Then the peasants will comply to the baron, and if things scalates, they will ask their head.
Asking for foreign help to enter in the market is out of the field, at least in short terms.Kirlic will not feed Arenfield with money if the risk is Kirlic get in debt that's for sure. "The solidarity is cool and all, but first is about myself."
And I remember that Ophilia was a merchant from Kirlic and things didnt go well for her, right?