If you say so...
I told you guys - at the end of august - that monthly full updates were a thing of
a distant past. I wrote that the Author needed to choose between main quests and bonus scenes because the latter were devouring the storylines, too.
Night Watchers immediately hurled at me called me names. A few days later
The Author Himself posted that
it was a problem, indeed, and that he was going to postpone Arianna in Rumah - Arianna is a sort of Alice in Wonderland in this game, I guess - new bonus scene because
the game's development needed to be focused on the quests' updates.
"Sweet!", I thought.
So, I predicted - at the beginning of september - that was going to come out
at the end of october. I guess I was wrong

Anyway, as I told you, I'm not responsible of what I'm writing here: my mind is totally blank and my fingers are acting without my consent.