Not only it that would be repeated but we would repeat Imawyn story as well. Fucking her every time we defeat her until Lyvia says: Bullshit!
That's why to not repeat the pattern Her relationship with The Raven would be genuine. But if she really was raped, it means she has growm hating man, if he really seduced her into a romantic relationship, it means she has a deep bound to The Raven, a bound that is difficult to break it, and let her be on our arms without being a bastard. Something like The Raven dies, or he gets busted and thrown very far away like Anya's mother. But iof being away we seduce her, the feeling of being bastard would remain there.
Also it means that The Raven is more deep as a character, leaving the difficult to not be a bastard stealing his girl very high. So I dont think she was raped and then she encountered love again in a man. I think she wasn't raped, she learn to fight and steal after losing everything and she found love on a man, a purpose to keep going.
I will add one last thing:
Chimps eat the shit out of monkeys.