If Kam needs it. The quest in the monastery did not finish along the Way- Syfa in the last save 24-saving is in front of your room the decision to remove the seal or not then if you remove it appears -Syfa will offer cooperation, you can refuse or not, the game will be saved. The rest of the saves are broken down for almost every quest at the moment of making decisions what to do was saved until the diologist, well, you will understand where that is. I have a question is it possible to make Agatha listen to MC, and the line appeared but it is not active. I mean the moment when Bridget asks to find Agatha's diary, except when Agatha is sleeping it can't be picked up? If you take more details into the investigation, and then when you talk, well, that is, she still gets up, even if you choose in a tightness, like you say you talk to her, you choose so that Bridget doesn't tinker or don't get in, well, then like. Ah yes Heather and the World are Corrupted