Forum Fanatic
Nov 6, 2020
Personally i feel like Eric is blinded/misguided by the cult, at least i get the feeling that the person who was supposed to escort princess to orcs is part of the cult. They seem like having goal of trying to undermine the kingdom and eventually try and take control of the land.
Yeah but even then.
Either the cult know all and they are preparing to stab MC in the back or they are also incompetent if they aren’t doing shit.


Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
Yeah but even then.
Either the cult know all and they are preparing to stab MC in the back or they are also incompetent if they aren’t doing shit.
You know the problem of people focuseing on the bigger picture is that they easily can miss the small seeds of their downfall spreading.
Their numbers are limited and their focus on other things right now... otherwise they would have reacted on MC wiping out their hideout in the abondened monastery instead of keeping their untrained alcolytes to replace those killed when MC "visits" again
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Active Member
Nov 6, 2017
It's more about numbers... the orcs we have currently encountered are the left overs of an massive invasion army.
MC keeps reduceing their numbers but given their respawn rate it's clear that there are far more in their homeland beyond Callen's rest.
It stands to reason that you assume masses are better than classes... and if the avarage Orc is atleast double the strength of a soldier his thought might be a bit blue eyed... but strategly not bad
To quote Stali: "Quantity is quality of its own". Yes, on strategic level having more numbers is good. Problem is Van and Eric are not fighting on strategic level, but on tactical at best. They're fighting over a river crossing. And not a very wide one I might add. On the south is ocean and on the north moutains. I don't know about the area there, so I can only speculate, but we know there is a passage over there. After all the spy chief guy talked about it. So it isn't big, wide or easy to travel enough to move huge forces through there.

But, back to the river crossing, this is perfect area to defend, because it's a bottleneck. All Van has to do, or I think what he's doing, is to just build some fortifications alongside river from moutains to the ocean and... hold the line to wait for Eric to bleed out ouf supplies, money and manpower while harrasing his supply lines and storage depots with his spies and by hiring people (like Cult) not so happy with current ruler.

Sure, Eric might want to achive breakthrough by swarming the river on all possible places on which the river can be crossed and hoping Van forces won't hold the pressure, but, as I wrote, it's a bottleneck, so Van has a huge advantage when defending.
Also, let's not forget orcs are... orcs. While they are made for "fightnin' an' winnin'" they are not THAT (I might be wrong!) stupid and probably won't just mindlessly charge across the river when asked while also trying to keep them docile enough to NOT fuck him over... too much.

In my opinion Eric should focus on defending his part of the river while keeping his already stretch supply routes and settlement safe while also fortifying Arenfield pass. Then, when near the winter make retreat to Arenfield pass and split his forces in two. One to move to fortifications and the second over the river on the south to "make sure Van won't cross there" by fortyfing it to lure Van forces to proceed. Surely his commander would like to take the opportunity to at least cut off and starve to death half of enemy army at the south river. Then, fake retreat into the land through forest due to "lack of supplies", and when those commander take the bait, attack with forces from Arenfield pass and try to defeat them from both sides.

Personally I would reinforce the Orc forward base to keep the Orcs out of the entire deep Forest area and do the same with the Bandit camp conquered south of Arenfield... once the enemy is at your gates you need overhelming numbers to take them out or push them back atleast... plus it's less work to increase fortifications and put your Mercs in the existing barracks/tents.
I wouldn't spread my thin forces (19 lads) so wide right now. The main focus is to protect Arenfield and mine. Darkwood is "secured" by halflings. Though, would be nice if I could FINALY have more of them than 5!!! to use.

But let's say we have more of lads. Like a mercenary company of 100 lads and Rumah is actually a village of 60 people, because orcs were nice enough and let go all the prisoners and we can spare 20 of halflings as fighters. Then yes.
Reinforcing abandoned orc outpust and turing it into somewhat of a fort is great idea, as it would greatly increase security of the local area and allow our Rumah halflings to hut in peace. Of crouse this outpost would be managed by that 20 halflings.

I would also turn mercenary camp into a castle. It might not be the greatest location for a castle, but there's pond inside the cave and river and lake nearby, so a wet moat around would not only provide more water but also food. And camp is pretty close to that orc stronghold. To be honest If I would draw the line from Mercenary camp to orc outpust (turned into a fort) I would pass through Isha's house. And I don't think any orc would be crazy enough to bother her. So rather huge chunk of Darkwood would be secured. By two strongpoints and goddess of horny.

As for bandit camp on the Arenfield pass is rather... troublesome. As a temporary camp or temporary storage depot for the frontline, sure. But turning it into proper fortification might be problematic. Anyone attacking from Arenfield road would have quite the advantage due to high ground, including any Van forces trying to attack Arenfield.

I would build towers and gates alongside Arenfield pass up to the Arenfield. One gate on the Arenfield pass, second gate near the Mine and third gate on the Arenfield entry road. It would save me some time, material and would cut the pass into three different area which enemy would have to conquer. Also there still is currently a little "pests" problem inside the mine. So making sure those pests won't just swarm the Arenfield pass and Arenfield is rather important in my opinion.
And in any case defenders always can just retreat to the upper game and towers. So somewhat 30 guys would be good enough to keep it. And, because it's close to Arenfield sending any aid would be quick.

The way I see it Eric sees several groups of minorities staying for themselfes and acting in a none coordinated manner versus an army of Orcs, which while being undisciplined atleast work together... sending mercs and rumah people to lay siege to Mdra Ghaz (or whatever that main settlement is called) would certainly change his perspective and consider those united forces as atleast a minor threat.
First MC needs to take those prisoners out of there to boost Rumah, then he can think of a siege. But, to be honest, It would rather be taken by a storm, not a siege. There are three ways to enter there and orcs are without any meanigful means to block them. It would end in a blood bath on the green side.

Also, as for that orc stronghold, It was great opportunity, to assault it when MC was there talking with chief. He not only killed few of his bodyguards, but also had a perfect way to cut the head as they were fighting. In that moment Rumah could attack sentries with arrows while mercenaries pushed through in melee. In this chaos MC, Liv and Tia could rescue the prisoners and bang, one problem solved.

Yeah but even then.
Either the cult know all and they are preparing to stab MC in the back or they are also incompetent if they aren’t doing shit.
You know the problem of people focuseing on the bigger picture is that they easily can miss the small seeds of their downfall spreading.
Their numbers are limited and their focus on other things right now... otherwise they would have reacted on MC wiping out their hideout in the abondened monastery instead of keeping their untrained alcolytes to replace those killed when MC "visits" again
Yeah, they probably wonder why daemon they constantly calling doesn't pick up thier summoning anymore.
Well, she can't because she's bit busy with MC sword up inside her ass.

Anyway, let them come. I'll gladly aquire more health potions.


Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
To quote Stali: "Quantity is quality of its own". Yes, on strategic level having more numbers is good. Problem is Van and Eric are not fighting on strategic level, but on tactical at best. They're fighting over a river crossing. And not a very wide one I might add. On the south is ocean and on the north moutains. I don't know about the area there, so I can only speculate, but we know there is a passage over there. After all the spy chief guy talked about it. So it isn't big, wide or easy to travel enough to move huge forces through there.
I disagree... the border is currently drawn along a natural one, namely a wide enough river, that appears on maps.
Van has sent Hekima to spy and sabotage Erics Camp... apparently he even managed to use Ophelia to kill a high ranking officer in Erics Camp.
At this point Eric has suffered more damage than Van simply by strategic operations.
The tactical aspect is of hardly any concern given that the front is at an standstill and at best several small skirmishes are fought every now and than.
I would also turn mercenary camp into a castle. It might not be the greatest location for a castle, but there's pond inside the cave and river and lake nearby, so a wet moat around would not only provide more water but also food. And camp is pretty close to that orc stronghold. To be honest If I would draw the line from Mercenary camp to orc outpust (turned into a fort) I would pass through Isha's house. And I don't think any orc would be crazy enough to bother her. So rather huge chunk of Darkwood would be secured. By two strongpoints and goddess of horny.
Though Isha plans of abondeining her exile in the dark woods to search for the elfes.
The woods are not dense enough to prevent travel among the trees as the raven has proven, but it makes large scale operation much harder, Imawyn also said that her magic is strained thin by now, she can't cover anymore areas and with that spell in place we don't need any fortifications for the camp... maybe upgrade those tends to barracks would be an Option to further increase their numbers and improve their supply storage.
As for bandit camp on the Arenfield pass is rather... troublesome. As a temporary camp or temporary storage depot for the frontline, sure. But turning it into proper fortification might be problematic. Anyone attacking from Arenfield road would have quite the advantage due to high ground, including any Van forces trying to attack Arenfield.
Only if they bring siege weapons... the distance from the highground to the camp is to much to make use off with bows, and the area is to narrow for such a thing... plus they are vurnable from ambushes like the mine... if they add some archer towers along the pallisade and maybe a scaffold along the already excisting paiisade they could do some serious damage to any passing footsoldier, there is also a dry moat infront of the pallisade makeing the use of simple siege weapons inefficient.
I would build towers and gates alongside Arenfield pass up to the Arenfield. One gate on the Arenfield pass, second gate near the Mine and third gate on the Arenfield entry road. It would save me some time, material and would cut the pass into three different area which enemy would have to conquer. Also there still is currently a little "pests" problem inside the mine. So making sure those pests won't just swarm the Arenfield pass and Arenfield is rather important in my opinion.
And in any case defenders always can just retreat to the upper game and towers. So somewhat 30 guys would be good enough to keep it. And, because it's close to Arenfield sending any aid would be quick.
I agree that Arenfield needs atleast a pallisade wall in the long rung... and some gates with scaffolds along the pallisade, though I think 5 men in each outpost should be sufficient.
we have 5 guys in the mine and 5 guys patrolling the roads to deal with small armies... MC reinforceing the areas under attack should probably be enough to deal with most smaller forces and both Eric and Van are stretched thin themselfes so they can't use numbers against them anyway.
First MC needs to take those prisoners out of there to boost Rumah, then he can think of a siege. But, to be honest, It would rather be taken by a storm, not a siege. There are three ways to enter there and orcs are without any meanigful means to block them. It would end in a blood bath on the green side.

Also, as for that orc stronghold, It was great opportunity, to assault it when MC was there talking with chief. He not only killed few of his bodyguards, but also had a perfect way to cut the head as they were fighting. In that moment Rumah could attack sentries with arrows while mercenaries pushed through in melee. In this chaos MC, Liv and Tia could rescue the prisoners and bang, one problem solved.
I'd use the siege to draw the Orcs attention than smuggle out the prisoners before they can be killed or used as meat shields.
That aside Madra Ghaz has Ballistas as defence and certainly more soldiers than Rumahs people.
I agree that Rumah itself doesn't stand a chance against Madra Ghaz even with MC cutting them off of reinforcements from Callan's Rest and the Outpost in the south but they can still be usefull for some strategies.
Yeah, they probably wonder why daemon they constantly calling doesn't pick up thier summoning anymore.
Well, she can't because she's bit busy with MC sword up inside her ass.

Anyway, let them come. I'll gladly aquire more health potions.
At this point I can't imagine the Cult to be in consort with Syfa... they were in posession of the obsidian mirror that could significantly weaken her... and they left it alone.
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Forum Fanatic
Nov 6, 2020
To quote Stali: "Quantity is quality of its own". Yes, on strategic level having more numbers is good. Problem is Van and Eric are not fighting on strategic level, but on tactical at best. They're fighting over a river crossing. And not a very wide one I might add. On the south is ocean and on the north moutains. I don't know about the area there, so I can only speculate, but we know there is a passage over there. After all the spy chief guy talked about it. So it isn't big, wide or easy to travel enough to move huge forces through there.

But, back to the river crossing, this is perfect area to defend, because it's a bottleneck. All Van has to do, or I think what he's doing, is to just build some fortifications alongside river from moutains to the ocean and... hold the line to wait for Eric to bleed out ouf supplies, money and manpower while harrasing his supply lines and storage depots with his spies and by hiring people (like Cult) not so happy with current ruler.

Sure, Eric might want to achive breakthrough by swarming the river on all possible places on which the river can be crossed and hoping Van forces won't hold the pressure, but, as I wrote, it's a bottleneck, so Van has a huge advantage when defending.
Also, let's not forget orcs are... orcs. While they are made for "fightnin' an' winnin'" they are not THAT (I might be wrong!) stupid and probably won't just mindlessly charge across the river when asked while also trying to keep them docile enough to NOT fuck him over... too much.

In my opinion Eric should focus on defending his part of the river while keeping his already stretch supply routes and settlement safe while also fortifying Arenfield pass. Then, when near the winter make retreat to Arenfield pass and split his forces in two. One to move to fortifications and the second over the river on the south to "make sure Van won't cross there" by fortyfing it to lure Van forces to proceed. Surely his commander would like to take the opportunity to at least cut off and starve to death half of enemy army at the south river. Then, fake retreat into the land through forest due to "lack of supplies", and when those commander take the bait, attack with forces from Arenfield pass and try to defeat them from both sides.

I wouldn't spread my thin forces (19 lads) so wide right now. The main focus is to protect Arenfield and mine. Darkwood is "secured" by halflings. Though, would be nice if I could FINALY have more of them than 5!!! to use.

But let's say we have more of lads. Like a mercenary company of 100 lads and Rumah is actually a village of 60 people, because orcs were nice enough and let go all the prisoners and we can spare 20 of halflings as fighters. Then yes.
Reinforcing abandoned orc outpust and turing it into somewhat of a fort is great idea, as it would greatly increase security of the local area and allow our Rumah halflings to hut in peace. Of crouse this outpost would be managed by that 20 halflings.

I would also turn mercenary camp into a castle. It might not be the greatest location for a castle, but there's pond inside the cave and river and lake nearby, so a wet moat around would not only provide more water but also food. And camp is pretty close to that orc stronghold. To be honest If I would draw the line from Mercenary camp to orc outpust (turned into a fort) I would pass through Isha's house. And I don't think any orc would be crazy enough to bother her. So rather huge chunk of Darkwood would be secured. By two strongpoints and goddess of horny.

As for bandit camp on the Arenfield pass is rather... troublesome. As a temporary camp or temporary storage depot for the frontline, sure. But turning it into proper fortification might be problematic. Anyone attacking from Arenfield road would have quite the advantage due to high ground, including any Van forces trying to attack Arenfield.

I would build towers and gates alongside Arenfield pass up to the Arenfield. One gate on the Arenfield pass, second gate near the Mine and third gate on the Arenfield entry road. It would save me some time, material and would cut the pass into three different area which enemy would have to conquer. Also there still is currently a little "pests" problem inside the mine. So making sure those pests won't just swarm the Arenfield pass and Arenfield is rather important in my opinion.
And in any case defenders always can just retreat to the upper game and towers. So somewhat 30 guys would be good enough to keep it. And, because it's close to Arenfield sending any aid would be quick.

First MC needs to take those prisoners out of there to boost Rumah, then he can think of a siege. But, to be honest, It would rather be taken by a storm, not a siege. There are three ways to enter there and orcs are without any meanigful means to block them. It would end in a blood bath on the green side.

Also, as for that orc stronghold, It was great opportunity, to assault it when MC was there talking with chief. He not only killed few of his bodyguards, but also had a perfect way to cut the head as they were fighting. In that moment Rumah could attack sentries with arrows while mercenaries pushed through in melee. In this chaos MC, Liv and Tia could rescue the prisoners and bang, one problem solved.

Yeah, they probably wonder why daemon they constantly calling doesn't pick up thier summoning anymore.
Well, she can't because she's bit busy with MC sword up inside her ass.

Anyway, let them come. I'll gladly aquire more health potions.
I'll just quote this to say "Ackshually Stalin didn't say that:geek:"

Cultists fucked it up as soon as they hired Thomas
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Active Member
Nov 6, 2017
I disagree... the border is currently drawn along a natural one, namely a wide enough river, that appears on maps.
Van has sent Hekima to spy and sabotage Erics Camp... apparently he even managed to use Ophelia to kill a high ranking officer in Erics Camp.
At this point Eric has suffered more damage than Van simply by strategic operations.
The tactical aspect is of hardly any concern given that the front is at an standstill and at best several small skirmishes are fought every now and than.
What is on the map... is on the map. That river might be a big or a small. There are also two rivers we see on the map, but they not that really wide when we cross them. We don't have a tactial map of the area to say that for sure, only the overview of the "travel" map. The area where "the line of skimrish" is located is rather small in my opinion. Otherwise Van would be capable of sending greater forces to harass Eric's supply line. Currently there are none of which we are know. Not counting spies, as they are not soldiers.

In my opinion most of the fighting is done at the small peninsula near the moutains. Whoever controls it can try to push further with small forces to harass the other one. So they probably sending men to skimrish there and looks like it both achived nothing. Where those at camp near the bridge or near the ocean are just... menacingly looking at eachother from the other shore when they spot eachother on patrol.

Though Isha plans of abondeining her exile in the dark woods to search for the elfes.
The woods are not dense enough to prevent travel among the trees as the raven has proven, but it makes large scale operation much harder, Imawyn also said that her magic is strained thin by now, she can't cover anymore areas and with that spell in place we don't need any fortifications for the camp... maybe upgrade those tends to barracks would be an Option to further increase their numbers and improve their supply storage.
Well, Isha is... Isha. She might say one thing and do the other. Like any woman. :D
Also, there's quite big swamp nerby north of her location which of course would prove any huge or heavy scale operation impossible. Small units or scouts? I mean... at the beginning of the game MC can use "energy orc" exploit when working with Tia. And Tia isn't working that far from the village.

Ima's using her magic to hide the camp. There is no point in hiding the castle, even wooden one. No, the point of building a castle it to show it. It's a show of power at this point for both Humans and Orcs. "Look I have a castle and If you pass through the land near it I'm going to send my men to kick your ass! And if you want to kick my ass better bring some siege equipment, because It will surely hold long enough for my other men to get here and kick your ass when you try to kick mine!"

Only if they bring siege weapons... the distance from the highground to the camp is to much to make use off with bows, and the area is to narrow for such a thing... plus they are vurnable from ambushes like the mine... if they add some archer towers along the pallisade and maybe a scaffold along the already excisting paiisade they could do some serious damage to any passing footsoldier, there is also a dry moat infront of the pallisade makeing the use of simple siege weapons inefficient.
Path is way too narrow to make use of any siege equipment. Althrough I disagree on the bow range. From the ledge to the houses is somewhat around 20 meters. When I was still in school on PE we were shoting with bows up to 50 meters. Olimpic archers are shooting at somewhat 70 meters if I recall correctly? I don't think trained archers would have problem with shoting there.

As for fortifications, Current pallisade is in need of repair. It current state it would be quite easly to just... dig them up with thier own weight just by pushing at the other end. Any palisade and scaffolding would have to be higher than the ledge in order to prove any form of advantage and protection for defenders. Not to mention there are rocks everywhere. Shooting any attacker would be rather difficult with so many places they can cover behind. I would turn this outpost more into a lookout with quite high watchtower to overlook the area and a signal fire to light it up if huge forces are spotted. Other than that? Waste of resources.
Also, we don't know how current fortifications looks from the south and west side of the map.

On the other hand... instead of making it into fortification it would be wise to use Ima's magic here. Because this would be, as spy leader said, great place for cover operations. It's remote and far from prying eyes. It would require more trees and bushes to cover this up, but... keeping there a small garrison of battle ready soldiers to harass sieging army or raid enemy supply routes? Why not. But currently it is of more value to Van tto do that than to Eric or MC.

I agree that Arenfield needs atleast a pallisade wall in the long rung... and some gates with scaffolds along the pallisade, though I think 5 men in each outpost should be sufficient.
we have 5 guys in the mine and 5 guys patrolling the roads to deal with small armies... MC reinforceing the areas under attack should probably be enough to deal with most smaller forces and both Eric and Van are stretched thin themselfes so they can't use numbers against them anyway.
In my opinion we should have twice as much people everywhere. 10 guys is, in my opinion, the bare minium of a squad to put anywhere. Lower than that and squad is incapable of doing anything important of achieving meanigful.
I mean Giron is having more guys around and inside his house than we have in Arenfield to protect it! Add to that Royal Guards who are stationed there and our mercs are outnumbered!
There was more soldiers in the mine than 5 and they were overrun by goblins. Our mercenaries, even if might be better trained are worst armored. They have mails, which is not so common armor to have, but Eric soldiers have full armors with some plate elements... and damn helmets! They won't stand a chance if pests try to re-take the mine. They just... don't do anything right now.

I'd use the siege to draw the Orcs attention than smuggle out the prisoners before they can be killed or used as meat shields.
That aside Madra Ghaz has Ballistas as defence and certainly more soldiers than Rumahs people.
I agree that Rumah itself doesn't stand a chance against Madra Ghaz even with MC cutting them off of reinforcements from Callan's Rest and the Outpost in the south but they can still be usefull for some strategies.
So either fast assault on the poor-orc stronghold in order to suprise defenders so they won't be capable of taking thier positions, or night sneaking to disable balistas, drug water supplies, posion food and save prisoners followed by siege.
I like both options.
Also, "quality over quantity". Orcs don't know how to fight, they just charge at you. Even with superior numbers they will lose to our planning and tactics.


Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
What is on the map... is on the map. That river might be a big or a small. There are also two rivers we see on the map, but they not that really wide when we cross them. We don't have a tactial map of the area to say that for sure, only the overview of the "travel" map. The area where "the line of skimrish" is located is rather small in my opinion. Otherwise Van would be capable of sending greater forces to harass Eric's supply line. Currently there are none of which we are know. Not counting spies, as they are not soldiers.

In my opinion most of the fighting is done at the small peninsula near the moutains. Whoever controls it can try to push further with small forces to harass the other one. So they probably sending men to skimrish there and looks like it both achived nothing. Where those at camp near the bridge or near the ocean are just... menacingly looking at eachother from the other shore when they spot eachother on patrol.

Well, Isha is... Isha. She might say one thing and do the other. Like any woman. :D
Also, there's quite big swamp nerby north of her location which of course would prove any huge or heavy scale operation impossible. Small units or scouts? I mean... at the beginning of the game MC can use "energy orc" exploit when working with Tia. And Tia isn't working that far from the village.

Ima's using her magic to hide the camp. There is no point in hiding the castle, even wooden one. No, the point of building a castle it to show it. It's a show of power at this point for both Humans and Orcs. "Look I have a castle and If you pass through the land near it I'm going to send my men to kick your ass! And if you want to kick my ass better bring some siege equipment, because It will surely hold long enough for my other men to get here and kick your ass when you try to kick mine!"

Path is way too narrow to make use of any siege equipment. Althrough I disagree on the bow range. From the ledge to the houses is somewhat around 20 meters. When I was still in school on PE we were shoting with bows up to 50 meters. Olimpic archers are shooting at somewhat 70 meters if I recall correctly? I don't think trained archers would have problem with shoting there.

As for fortifications, Current pallisade is in need of repair. It current state it would be quite easly to just... dig them up with thier own weight just by pushing at the other end. Any palisade and scaffolding would have to be higher than the ledge in order to prove any form of advantage and protection for defenders. Not to mention there are rocks everywhere. Shooting any attacker would be rather difficult with so many places they can cover behind. I would turn this outpost more into a lookout with quite high watchtower to overlook the area and a signal fire to light it up if huge forces are spotted. Other than that? Waste of resources.
Also, we don't know how current fortifications looks from the south and west side of the map.

On the other hand... instead of making it into fortification it would be wise to use Ima's magic here. Because this would be, as spy leader said, great place for cover operations. It's remote and far from prying eyes. It would require more trees and bushes to cover this up, but... keeping there a small garrison of battle ready soldiers to harass sieging army or raid enemy supply routes? Why not. But currently it is of more value to Van tto do that than to Eric or MC.

In my opinion we should have twice as much people everywhere. 10 guys is, in my opinion, the bare minium of a squad to put anywhere. Lower than that and squad is incapable of doing anything important of achieving meanigful.
I mean Giron is having more guys around and inside his house than we have in Arenfield to protect it! Add to that Royal Guards who are stationed there and our mercs are outnumbered!
There was more soldiers in the mine than 5 and they were overrun by goblins. Our mercenaries, even if might be better trained are worst armored. They have mails, which is not so common armor to have, but Eric soldiers have full armors with some plate elements... and damn helmets! They won't stand a chance if pests try to re-take the mine. They just... don't do anything right now.

So either fast assault on the poor-orc stronghold in order to suprise defenders so they won't be capable of taking thier positions, or night sneaking to disable balistas, drug water supplies, posion food and save prisoners followed by siege.
I like both options.
Also, "quality over quantity". Orcs don't know how to fight, they just charge at you. Even with superior numbers they will lose to our planning and tactics.
I have my disagreements with several details on this, but I suppose we have a similiar agreements aswell, that in our current state this is impossible to maintain.
Unless we make Arenfield completly self sufficient and increase the number of our men both in regards to Rumah people and Mercaneries there is no way any of this would become viable at any time.
Arenfield was not build as a fortress city like Kirlic and they are surrounded by far to many enemies.
They even lack a workforce as the miners come from Kirlic and I suppose it's the same for the field workers of the coldstone estate.
Maybe if MC can come to an agreement with Orcs of Madra Ghaz to become his vassals (i.e. negotiating with that shamman and turn the Orcs into Half Orcs with tainted water) we could get an easy outpost in the north... usring combat though seems unrealistic with our current numbers.
Last edited:


Aug 9, 2022
Help, I sided against Syfa at the church and imprisoned her in the Arenfield church cellar again but I couldn't find her, and I still have the collar of dominance in my inventory, I think it might be bugged and said she's banished completely.


New Member
Jul 26, 2019
Isha’s path is the corruption/domination route, you aren’t going to get a romance Athia in Isha’s path.
If that is what you are searching for
I want to follow the love route with Athia.After completing most of game content according to the guide, I unpacked the CG,Found the picture I posted above.Damn...There is too little pornographic content in the love route


New Member
Jul 26, 2019
Isha’s path is the corruption/domination route, you aren’t going to get a romance Athia in Isha’s path.
If that is what you are searching for
The Walkthrough did not explain how to trigger Athia to wear a green outfit similar to a Christmas costume, and I even adjusted the time in the game to December....


Forum Fanatic
Nov 6, 2020
I want to follow the love route with Athia.After completing most of game content according to the guide, I unpacked the CG,Found the picture I posted above.Damn...There is too little pornographic content in the love route
More will come, and technically it’s just different type of sex.
One is more concentrated in cuddling, kissing and in general love sex.
The other is just submission and dominance over her


Active Member
Nov 6, 2017
I have my disagreements with several details on this, but I suppose we have a similiar agreements aswell, that in our current state this is impossible to maintain.
Unless we make Arenfield completly self sufficient and increase the number of our men both in regards to Rumah people and Mercaneries there is no way any of this would become viable at any time.
Arenfield was not build as a fortress city like Kirlic and they are surrounded by far to many enemies.
They even lack a workforce as the miners come from Kirlic and I suppose it's the same for the field workers of the coldstone estate.
Yes, we're just having a civilized discussion about more civilized age and in the end... we're fucked.

As for Arenfield not being a fortress. It us but a small village located on a plateau. Yet transforming it into a small fortress is possible with little effort and costs I might add, even with the current, rather low, workforce available, because of it's location. Resources are right there and Arenfield needs only a gate at southern road and wall at north and east to fully secure it. Almost half of work is done by nature already.

Hmmm... up to the drawing board I guess.

Maybe if MC can come to an agreement with Orcs of Madra Ghaz to become his vassals (i.e. negotiating with that shamman and
turn the Orcs into Half Orcs with tainted water) we could get an easy outpost in the north... usring combat though seems unrealistic with our current numbers.
I don't think orcs would ever agree to it, even under pressure. We all saw orc chief wife reaction. They are affraid of it. If we try to turn them into humans they will resist with force. And we don't want that. Also, "A good orc is a dead orc!"

More will come, and technically it’s just different type of sex.
One is more concentrated in cuddling, kissing and in general love sex.
The other is just submission and dominance over her
We're bulding sex dungeon in the basement, right... Right?

Also Chyos could update some sex scenes. Dialogues mostly, to fit with the rest, becuase sometimes it is rather immersion breaking. For example when Mira is asking to be knocked up on the altar, yet asking to pull out in MC's house or Emily' house, because she can't get pregnant.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 6, 2020
We're bulding sex dungeon in the basement, right... Right?

Also Chyos could update some sex scenes. Dialogues mostly, to fit with the rest, becuase sometimes it is rather immersion breaking. For example when Mira is asking to be knocked up on the altar, yet asking to pull out in MC's house or Emily' house, because she can't get pregnant.
Yes, but it is imprisoned by the evil bonus scene poll

Indicate to me which ones.
  • Haha
Reactions: Adoringfan


Forum Fanatic
Nov 6, 2020
Ah, yes, of course. The damn evil bonus scene poll!

Gonna make a list then. It might take a while, so I'll let you know.
It’s still lurking the bastard poll, putting sex before gameplay.

Straight out PM in case, for everything in general
Last edited:
  • Haha
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Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
Yes, we're just having a civilized discussion about more civilized age and in the end... we're fucked.

As for Arenfield not being a fortress. It us but a small village located on a plateau. Yet transforming it into a small fortress is possible with little effort and costs I might add, even with the current, rather low, workforce available, because of it's location. Resources are right there and Arenfield needs only a gate at southern road and wall at north and east to fully secure it. Almost half of work is done by nature already.

Hmmm... up to the drawing board I guess.
You miss the access to Kathias house at the mountain range which is directly connected to the hunting ground where we regulary can encounter Orc patrols.
The eastern area is also a bad fit as there is vast flat lands that can easily allow the installation of siege weapons and it's sadly on the direct route to Kirlic, which is the place we had to expect an army to come from... if we want to integrate Pennys former fields into this area we should build fortifications at the bridge/river in the east, but those wouldn't last long if the army build some catapult close to that ruin.
I don't think orcs would ever agree to it, even under pressure. We all saw orc chief wife reaction. They are affraid of it. If we try to turn them into humans they will resist with force. And we don't want that. Also, "A good orc is a dead orc!"
Yeah I suspect unless we "poison" their water supply force is our only choice... we only need to transform their leaders and than use them to get strugglers/reinforcement from their homeland and patrolls to get turned.
I think it would be easy to restock the fortress in little time... maybe MC could interact with defeated Orcs like he does with mercaneries aswell to forcefeed them the tainted holy water


Engaged Member
Dec 17, 2016
Does it matter if the orcs see you when you go to rescue Katherin or not?

Also, I think the mc could make a viable leader, by taking over Arenfeld. The city is positioned in a nice spot to be an economic powerhouse, you got plenty of lumber cause of the forest and an iron mine, tons of farmland and a river/lake too. Would be neat if the mine could be upgraded to produce more iron, by equipping miners with better tools/hiring more miners/delving deeper into the mine so you have access to more/rarer ore.

As for future updates, I hope we get more building. Would be neat to make a city from the ground up and assign people to houses and stuff. Just seems silly too that after so many updates Tia still hasn't really set foot into the tavern. Also when is that going to get an update with stripper poles, dancers and blackjack?


Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
Does it matter if the orcs see you when you go to rescue Katherin or not?

Arenfeld is positioned in a nice spot to be an economic powerhouse, you got plenty of lumber cause of the forest and an iron mine, tons of farmland and a river/lake too. Would be neat if the mine could be upgraded to produce more iron, by equipping miners with better tools/hiring more miners/delving deeper into the mine so you have access to more/rarer ore. Personally, I liked the upgrading buildings bit.
Thi would require MC and his band to first clean out the mine... an Option up to vote
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