Nyra 2 sex scenes in morning and midnight require les than 20, but at Fire scene you must be right because i can not do it under 50 lust.
But For Kathrine quest walkthrough there is loophole bacause you somehow can raise Emily's affection up to 10 and in walkthrough not mentioned anything about her key, only affection. Emily's affection can be raised without her quest up to 10(and no higher). So as i said problem with walkthrough not mentioning in requirements Emily quest...
And i so much do not want to clear Emily and Mira quest they are so annoying. I even do not like characters.
P.S. Cleared Emily quest until she gave key to her house and still no talk about recipes.
so Emily at 16A and still no choice
Or is because at moment when i learned cooking from Claire and Emily quest at that moment not done it is not possible to get recipes from Emily even after completion of her quest?
Made search on Emily's recipe and found similar problems people have, some quest modify some character dialogs and if you have a few active quest it is better do it individually or you just lose some options or softlock yourself.
WTF why it is so hard to get this fuckin recipe