Well then, lets begin.
What is patriotism?
Well, in the history of mankind, patriotism had a lot of definitions, even on some parts of our history made diferences between "old patriotism" or patriotism of the modern Europe and thepatriotism we live or we know today.But in essence or most historians made a summary where defined patriotism as : "Feeling of a country".
This phrase is vague and can be interpreted by a lot of ways, but that's the point of patriotism, patriotism being a feeling means it is irrational, and because its irrational we cannot put an end of it. But we can put definitions of the people who hug the irrational feeling and embrace it to the last consequences.Those who embrace it to the extreme is affiliated to "nationalism" and this people are called by a few names, depending of the POV. Some people call them: extremists,nationalists,"true patriots", or even "heroes".
But we cannot put a "real" difference between patriotism and nationalism.Some people defines patriotism as a possitive connotation, while nationalism are entangled with negative connotations. But in the end they are still the same: "feeling of a country".
The origin of patriotism comes from "patriots", it is recorded that in the 1500's patriots derives from Greek "patriotes" meaning "fellow countrymen". The root of this world means: fatherland, paternal, patriarchy (Pater in latin that means father).
The origin of nationalism was recorded between 1700-1800 and is based on nation, in latin is more like: birth,tribe.
Even if we can make some differences if we search on their origins, we can see that in the end get to the same conclussion:"Feeling of a country".
Some historians says that patriotism was the father and nationalism was his direct son because of their similarity.But some others says they are the same coin.But as always because its irrational and cannot have an "exact" definition is up to the people of what patriotism and nationalism are for themselves.
Of course we could make books about patriotism as there a lot of books, talking about patriotism or nationalism, their definition, their history and even their "sons". But we cannot make a long speech about it, so lets make some basics and connect the dots to the game.
For the "people in the streets" patriotism is more related to the love of a country in a negative way like nationalism. If we see thenews today or politics we can see that the patriotism is often related to extremists or people who is not defined in a very good matter: The famous Donald Trump, the nazism in Ukraine,Russia,Erdogan in Turkey, North Korea, China, Italia and the "five stars movement",Orban in Hungary, Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, etc..
But what is " feeling of a country" or what is a country, there a lot of definitions but lets make this simple:
-Can be the nation.
-Can be the people.
-Can be the land.
-Can be the flag.
-Can be their kings, or representatives.
Some people defines these as symbols too. Because they represent the country: their nation, their people, their land, their flag and their representatives for the whole world.
I could define each of what I said, but I think people can understand what they mean, at least on basics definitions.
How this connects to the game?
Well we have "Kings" fighting for the control of their country, each one having a land, people, and probably flags, where the common people suffers the outcome, and leads to our protagonist a feeling where he wants to protect the people around him from any harm.
In fact this could be defined as patriotism, because in some ways or another he loves the people that form a comunity in a small village called Arenfield.
On a lot of moments and especially in the last update we can see when he talks to the queen and the general, that he wants to protect these people(And sometimes fuck them).
As I said patriotism can be entangled with people, because some people defines the feeling of a country as the feeling for the people. A lot of book in the history of the WW, we can see the "interviews" of the soldiers of famous question "What are you fighting for?" and somesoldiers answered: "I fight for the people" or "I fight for my people/family".
I can add a bit more: on some countries the military training has the values of patriotism as "love for the people" "protect the people" "protect the land".
Subjectively I had military training and I can confirm this values(between others more") and the representation of the flag to symbolize this values.
And that's it what I have to say for now.
Hope you like it.
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Havea good day.