I'm just popping in to say: definitely use the save exploit to efficiently progress through this game. It was suggested to me that save spamming infers that you just want to get to all the sex scenes instead of just playing the game. Nah. I've seen the iron mines spawn only a single iron lode... and as many as 3 huge iron lodes and 3 iron loads. Using the save exploit can be the difference between mining 2 iron ores and mining 30 iron ores (1 lode yields 2-3 ores and one huge lode yields 5-7 ores) with the same energy during a spawn period. With all the stuff there is to do in this game, it can take hours to get to the next spawn cycle.
And for anyone who hasn't realized that enemies can't do anything once they run out of energy, the save exploit allows you to exchange 1 hour of your in-game time (by waiting for the Orc Scouting Party in the hunting fields and letting Maui attack... the other orcs will be auto-fought when your level is too high) to recover ALL your energy VIA Energy Drain and Defend>Defend>Defend>Recover, provided you can survive until enemy energy runs out. EDIT: Even if you don't have enough energy to defend and are Leveled up high enough to one-shot Maui with a regular attack, you may be able to use the Silver Arrows to initiate a weak attack with a 10 TP gain which can allow you to Drain Energy or Recover enough to use the exploit You can also do this once a day instantly by watching Tia chop wood and fighting the single orc.
I enjoy playng the game, and I can enjoy the RPGM grind, but my IRL time is important, too. It's about efficiency for me.
ALSO, who else named their Mercenary group "Massive Cocks" just so that Lyvia will shout "The Massive Cocks will rise!"