Thank you, I have already figured out how to do it, just at the moment when it was necessary to make a choice, just leave it again, leave it and there is an opportunity to make a belt, it's just not specified in the instructions for the passage.
You can trigger Liandra arrival a lot of time before you can complete the King's order (because is part of Frisha questline). If you don't listen to Giron and Dave conversation after you choosed Frisha fate you can delay her arrival to whenever you want.
The walkthrough is useful to decide when you do things and not waste time. You can get stuck or delayed in a questline for not interacting with a specific character or not advancing another questline.
A example of related questlines:
You need to have sex with Claire in the inn cellar, then copy Thomas special door key, to witness one of the Cult Reunions and reach the end of the current Cult related quests.