Technically we do, since it's a part of the voting system.
Right now Arianna (meaning the cult) is on the lead and kirlic follows behind.
What does "voting system" mean? Does it mean that it is basically already decided what the game should be like and what content it will have, but the patreons decides with his vote what will be developed first? Or does it mean that there is no script and the developers are completely focused on the wishes of the game? I hope that the first idea is the case.
The games I know, where the developers actually try to completely focus on the wishes of the players have, in the end, if one ever was finished, been pretty much useless across the board. Precisely because most players are only fixated on their specific fetish and have no sense of good storytelling. I know games that were completely ruined by vanilla, where the story never really got going, in others the young girl/homeless guy fetish prevailed, and many more (I still don't understand why so many people find it hot when a really hot looking woman spreads her legs for unkempt, ugly and smelly bums. Or young good-looking girls who let themselves be fucked by "great-grandfather" who is just fat, old and ugly and whose body has deteriorated so much that he actually belongs in a hospice)
With developers who focus too much on the fans Wishes, a specific fetish sooner or later takes over the entire game. And nothing really good has ever come out of that. I hope that Chyros stays true to himself here. Because so far he's done a good job. There are many Li with really good, different storylines and a lot of variety. There's something for every taste. And that's one of the things that makes this game so successful.