the game shows their are 24 crafted recipes.any one know how can i find them.and how to obtain amor crafting recepies.
You need 1 Dexterrity for that and advance Kate (the bar wench) story... for the best outcome also advance Frishas (the Gold digger from Emilys household) story.
Kate will eventually request a new dress and than you can ask Frisha to teach you how to sew (requires Dexterity of Level 1).
Afterwards you'll need access to your old home and build a workbench with Items from the store.
After knowing how to make a dress you can apply that knowledge on armor.
For the [bronze] weapons you need to help John (the Black smith) and advance Ariannas (the girl playing hide and seek in the woods) Story for the Silver Weapons.
Finally for the Potions/Items you need to complete Lucios (Shopkeeper) Quest and advance in Tias (the woodcutter) story [healing items and the lubricant]
Not neccesarily in this order... for example it's strongly adviceable to complete Lucious Quest right at the beginning of the game as the Items you unlock that way are story relevant for several other characters and unlock the Corruption path for all girls, and advancing with Tias Storyline will add her to your combat party