- May 21, 2018
- 54
- 270
Wolfregis, Well done, I'm not just saying that that truly was a well worded and an excellent response. Although true I can be an ass at times lol but you would be surprised to know how well that can come in handy from time to time, show some initiative and more times than not It at least gets the ball rolling or opens up concerns. Sometimes you need the Villain, or at least an anti-hero/villain.First of all thank you for responding, while I did find some of you criticism a tad off in some areas I do feel that your heart is in the right place. In regards to some of the points you've raised I would have to say if I could tell Geeseki what to drop or add as far as feedback, I would probably go with the fact that cutting the amount of dialogue in the game could expedite and remove some of the games overall issues. While adding smaller scenes from a selection of the other characters in the game while adding a scene or two focusing on a character would fix a lot of the issues plaguing it. Also that he needs to stop adding characters for the sake of having characters and actually make content for them. I don't need to know about purple shirts parents they're not a point of interest.
As for why I post the updates. While I may not enjoy all the updates the dude puts out and hell I'll admit that many of them were abysmal in terms of actual bloody content. I believe while I may not have enjoyed the update someone else may. I believe that people can and should actually try the bloody thing and decide for themselves whether they like it or not regardless of someone else's opinion. If someone hates the game fine, then they're allowed to hate the game no skin off my teeth. If they enjoyed the game then that means someone has found a game they like and can discuss it with people who also enjoy. Again no skin off my teeth. Because the point of posting a game, cg, comic, or video on this forum is, for me at least, for people to find something that they like and meet others that may share that interest and perhaps find other content that they may enjoy.
You say you chosen you're words wisely and that you've taken your side. Fine. I literally could not give a damn about sides. Because to me sides do not fucking matter over a game that revolves around smut. It doesn't matter to me whether you like the game or not, what does matter is the opinion of an individual willing to take a chance on it. As for the accusation, if that's the correct word I hope, in regards to complacency or me being a white knight, let me be clear I like the game at it core concept but I hate where it currently is as far as development goes. You also seem to think I'm okay with paltry sums of content, this couldn't be further from the case. Was this update worth it in regards to some of the other bullshit that's happened over the past two years? No. But does that mean that the update was a flaming pile of feces marinated in a hobo's smega? Again No. It's important to call out bullshit such as this, but I also believe you don't have to be an ass in how you do so. I also believe that conversations in regards to the games overall state are more beneficial and productive when discussing on how to improve the game rather than constantly beating it like the proverbial dead horse. So if that makes me a white knight then fuck it I'll continue to try and steer conversations such as this in a positive and productive manner. Because I want games even such as this to improve and not become a source of hatred and revile among a community I genuinely care about. It thanks to this bloody forum I was able to find some of my favorite smut games again and meet people with similar tastes as mine. And thanks to that I discovered new games that feed into a lot of my kinks.
I also try to keep an open mind and try to remain civil regardless of how I may feel on certain matters. But as a show of good faith maybe we could recommend some games to each other. I can honestly think of a few that while not complete yet have a decent amount of content, so far. I hope this post again finds you in good health.
Oh a few personal favorites of mine so far include Battle of the Bulges Hands down the best in my opinion Its unique a one of a kind very smut heavy, porn logic story but has great humor, games from Akabur, Icstor, ICCreations, Inceton The Visit, Milf Building, Depravity, Titans Tower, Dreams of Desire, Dark Neighborhood (good sex scenes but its a bit moody at times) Most games from Vdate like Maddeson, and meet and fuck game, and SpiralVortexPlay, There's a lot more on my hard drive but most I haven't finished or got around to yet, Ouroboros had a good story however very repetitive rpg, I first played an early build without knowing the sex scenes were text only, unfinished at the time, may have changed by now basicly the more smut the better, I can respect a good deep story, but their like unicorns, Best bang for your story and content wise Id recommend the Japanese completed games, Like a million to choose from bound to find something good.
Until Next Time Peaceout.