MetaMira What is going on in the picture on the phone with the bikini and the blacked out eyes? Thanks for the replies.
In fiction: At some point in her younger years our MC went to the beach without realizing just how busty she looked in that bikini. A stranger took her picture and blacked her eyes out before uploading it to the internet (and sending her a complimentary copy). She's way too innocent to realize that guys are using that pic to jerk off to!
Out of fiction: I was working on the code for the phone and needed a test case for displaying an image on the screen + narration. I had just finished drawing up her bikini art, so I decided to put something fun together using it. I
hadn't done her facial expressions at that point, so I used the idea of her identity being "censored" to cover up that missing art. At some point in the distant future that app is going to be replaced with a proper gallery for "trophy pictures" you can collect throughout the game.