VN - Ren'Py - A Wife and Mother [v0.201] [Lust & Passion]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Note: I don't believe a complex opinion can be properly represented by a number but I do understand some people are impatient so I don't use the star system normally, my ratings are as follows. 1 don't recommend, 3 unsure please read review, 5 recommend.

    I need to make some information known before anyone reads the rest of this. I don't normally play female protagonist games, nothing against them on principal but I prefer the standard male fantasy type stuff, but I wanted to try this because why not try something new, ya know? I am also not into cheating as a fetish generally but I decided to ignore that and try to play this from the perspective of a women and I'd argue that perspective alters the fetish somewhat. Finally I need to make clear that I played this slightly wrong. Apparently I had an old version downloaded and played through that, then tried to download what I thought was the rest, ended up downloading chapter 2, played through that then went back and finished chapter 1.

    Any who, with all that out of the way, A WIFE AND MOTHER. . .

    This game has really good visuals, the art is top tier especially for a 3d rendered game, I could understand playing this for the art alone.

    This game has a lot of story and character depth, one might argue too much, while I think the writing is at best slightly above average, quantity can still be enough for some people, and it took a lot of effort to write that much and I must commend the game for that.

    This game has sound.

    This game has a flowchart style of gameplay, very similar to your classic japanese visual novel style games, where you basically get a ton of seemingly innocuous choices that actually have a major impact on the story. I have learned from my time on this site just how much I hate that style of gameplay, There are games that do it well and have the choices determine the "kind" of play through you want to see as opposed to choices determining if you achieve fucking anything at all. This is unfortunately the latter.

    I played this game straight for about an hour and a half, at some point I got incredibly board of the walls of text and next to zero sexual content and I started getting skippy, just skipping past the wife's internal monologue justifying why being a total slut is okay constantly. After another 30 minutes of nothing happening I just started skipping through willy nilly, slowing down at any point that might get sexual and eventually I reached the end without the wife character having sex with anyone but her husband, and hey that makes some sense but I didn't exactly pick this up to be faithful to the husband character I mean what weirdo is doing that play through?

    Then I looked at the gallery and realized I had barely unlocked anything, so I went back and tried again to unlock more scenes maybe see some spicy shit, this time skipping through the entire time, trying different choices and still barely any of it. Confused I looked up a walkthrough and started following that and finally after diligently following the walk through. . . THERE WAS STILL ALMOST NO SEX SCENES!!! THERE WERE A LOT SUGGESTIVE SITUATIONS, AND SOME VERY CLOSE CALLS BUT THAT WAS IT.

    Look I understand that this is supposed to be a slow burn kind of game, this isn't my first rodeo, but the slow burn games I've played had some "payoff's" scattered throughout here and there, this has fucking your husband or seeing your skinny neighbor fuck his girl, I don't even think she blows anybody for fucks sake.

    It was at this point I noticed that this game has been in development for 6 years. 6 fucking years and the best they can do is have the MC get messaged a bit by the maid or roll around shirtless with the neighbor boy. With that kind of time you'd expect a lot more development, at somepoint it stops being a slow burn and starts to morph into a milking an audience dry, not even in the fun way. Maybe they want the transition to feel as real as possible, but at the same time, I'm at my computer playing this with my hand on my dick, I want to masterbate and no kissing another girl isn't enough for me anymore, JUST MAKE PORN.

    If you're reading this and have gotten to the end and you're still interested in playing somehow great enjoy the never ending story of a wife who also just so happens to be a teacher, but if you're like me and you want porn in your porn and don't want to beat around the bush for 5 hours to reach no payoff then move the fuck on.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I wish i had found this game a couple years from now so i could play it in its entirety without having to wait for updates, which i have read are few and far in between, i did not deduct a star for that.
    Although the game is very good, there were some silly plotholes in the story. I grow tired of scenes where Liam almost catches Sophia in the act, and none of my options have any chance of me getting caught, which is silly. Or maybe there will be a plot twist where he actually knew i was cheating all along, which would also be pretty silly. The renders look really nice and i really like the fact that the main protagonist is has its inner battles with all of what's happening, porn with good plot is so much better than just jumping into action with no emotion what so ever. I guess ill forget this game exists and come back to this thread after a couple of years :D.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The main character Sofia is just super. It's a pity that the plot is developing slowly. And there are a lot of development directions, too, and I hope that they will also be implemented someday. I was hoping to develop a swinger theme at the beginning of the game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is amazing..... lovely female mc ...... its amazing in all aspect like not showing her nude in the starting itself makes it more intresting plus one main thing which i loved is the reality in the novel the script is so realistic....
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Slow burn and realistic pacing is one thing they're good.
    But this is just bs, progress is soo slow that it feels like a drag.
    the amount of progress and the amount of time this game is in development things doesn't add up
  6. 3.00 star(s)

    Its not so big

    awam is not an ordinary game on this forum. it has a promising premise to be among the best games.
    yet i can't give this game 5 stars. i will try to explain why this is the case.

    let's begin with the renders, they are incredible. they are certainly one of the best. at least the newer ones.
    when you have newly discovered the game and start playing it, you notice a big shift in quality compared to the current renders.
    they are not bad, they just don't look that good in comparison. this can be explained by the long development time of the game.

    the setup has been replicated many times but unfortunately they don't come anywhere close to awam. you slip into the everyday life of a married woman and mother of two kids who has moved to a new city with her family. sounds ordinary, and probably is, but awam did the best implementation so far. a very ambitious game, maybe a little too much.

    now we come to the hot topic: slow updates. normally i wouldn't complain about the update speed in a rating as everyone works at their own pace. since last year the updates started to containt only a single event. it was a decision the dev made to release updates faster. but then i can't really understand why he started adding animations at the same time. if the dev wants to finish this game faster, he can't add something that will slow him down.
    however, the animations don't make the game worse, unlike the bloated events. with time the events got so big, that no new event has less than 200 renders.
    they got so big that the dev doesn't really have a clue what to do with it.

    as a consequence the writing got worse. many events are boring and mentally exhausting to read which makes you press the skip button. the recent hot events are resembling bad porn (the kind of porn where the girl is under the shower and talks with her bf while she get fucked by an another dude behind the curtain), just without the action. dialogues are not excluded.
    no matter how good the renders are, it means little to none if the writing can't keep up, especially if the game is heavily based on teasing. i just hope the writing gets better.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is easily in the top 5 games on this entire site. The renders are amazing and the women look very natural and realistic. The shapes, colors, lighting, everything looks top quality.

    Even though the story is very slow moving and is building brick by brick, the eroticism and tension in the scenes make up for it. It feels very realistic and the story is very well thought through. The dialogue in scenes with sexual tension is not over the top and fits very well within the narrative and progression of Sophia's state of mind.

    Regardless of whether you hate slowburn or not, this game is very well made and I can't wait to see Sophia's desires evolve. :love:
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3727657

    The best slow burn game I have experienced
    The best character development game I have experienced
    MC is very beautiful, very hot, and most importantly, he has a very special and wonderful personality
    All the characters in the game are great
    The story of the game is extremely logical and excellent and follows
    The dialogues are wonderful, not too much, not too little
    The physiology of the characters is wonderful
    The renderings are wonderful, especially the new renderings, which I have not seen anywhere better
  9. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4995612

    I hope that this review will take the game down to the three star and below level that this game deserves.

    This is the best example of titilation without consumation. It's little more than a click bait tease that suggests that the reader will finally be given what they've been teased with the whole game only to have the scene end without anyone really getting laid.

    It's a pity really, good renders and potential for some really good scenes that never materialize. It's like that girl in highschool who wants you to think she's really giving you a lot, but all you walk away with is a feeling of "coulda, woulda, shoulda."
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Overall its not a good game. The models and renders are really good, and the scenes are pretty good too. The big issue is that it takes eons to progress through the game. I've played like 7 hours and I've only unlocked a few scenes. If you like slow-burn and more realism, then this game is good, but even I have my limits. I have enjoyed other slow-burn kinda games like Succulence, but this game is way too slow. Given that there are no/minimal animations (forgot if there are or not), its not even that worth it when you finally get a scene.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is brainwashing. The plot is crap. It's creating a simulation of a real story with no real progress. Will you made a story for 10 years about a woman who really wanted to have sex with another man but could not step over herself? Or didn't want to. Or she did not know whether she wanted it or not? The main character is an amorphous, weak-willed creature moving in the flow of the story. The player has no real choice. There is only its imitation. The heroine behaves like a virgin who does not know whether it is possible to let the boy touch her ass or not. And if you let him touch her ass, then you certainly can’t give him something more. To stay in the shower with a naked man and not have sex? Even BJ? But if I want it? Is this scene among the members of the cult innocence? Bullshit!! One star for art only. They are normal. But I want to see a story with real choices and not their imitations.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    too slow and no sex

    Most of the tags are non-existent or weak in the game, and the developer promoted them as showing Sofia's corruption process, but there were none.

    In the last 6 years, many people have hoped for it, but they have been scammed, and whatever you want, you will also suffer 6 years of waiting from now.

    According to the developer, the day Sophia, the main character of this game, will have sex with a man other than her husband will be 9 years later from 2023.

    So far this game is for children

    Blackmail : There are already three ways to get rid of Aiden, and Don Morello and Bennett are almost forgotten characters.
    Cheating : ?????????
    corruption : ?????????
    Exhibitionism : breast and panti
    groping : ????????
    humiliation : o
    Incest : So far, Ellie's scene is the only one
    lesbian : o, But there is no scene you are imagining
    oral : only, with husband
    SEX : only, With husband
    Romance : With Sam
    spanking : ????????
    teasing : ???????
    vaginal sex : husband and wife
    Virgin : There are many eunuchs as well as maidens lol
    voyeurism : ???????????

    So far, what you imagine is not in this game, and what works in other games is interpreted differently in this game.

    Taking spanking as an example, in this game, the two people jogging in the park during the day, and the person next to Sophia jokingly slaps the butt lightly.

    This kind of thing is what spanking is all
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    A Wife and Mother [v0.150] [Lust & Passion]

    • A nice story emphasizing incest & polyamorous.
    • Excellent quality of image renders.
    • Excellent quality of animations.
    • Numerous characters and numerous options for polyamorous.
    • Well structured / portrayed for naughty / decent.
    • Nice sound effects overall as well the sexual moans.
    • Playability and grammar are all just OK no issue

    • Facial expressions of the main character (Sophia) is being preoccupied with some sadness mostly is a drawback.
    • Lack of seductiveness in sexual approach
    • Slow due to blank / waste of clicks especially for every change of scene
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Way too much filler, no good scenes , too ez to miss plot line bc of one bad choice , 6 years to get this far .... . Most likely a Patreon milking scheme .The good writing and cool mc cant save this game witch is a shame . There are way too many better incest games out there for a better rating .
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Version reviewed: 0.180

    This game deserves more than the 3.5 stars it currently has on the site. It's closer to a 4.5, but I will round it up to 5 given the quality improvements recently.

    This game is simply incredibly divisive, it's the slowest burn of all slow burns. To be honest, if you followed this game from Day 1 (5 and a half years ago) I can understand the low ratings. The updates are fairly short, the Dev draws out things like nipple peeks for several updates. But still, there are hours upon hours of content currently. I played the game for the first time at its current state so that's how I am judging it.

    The reality is that when this game is fully completed it will be one of the best VNs on the site. The quality of the visuals has improved a LOT recently, particularly with Part 2. The Dev has also shown a willingness to put more lewd and sexual content in the game in the past year or so.

    The story is decent, at its core its about a woman becoming more of an exhibitionist. The 'situations' that these events occur in are the highlight for sure. The Dev has been accused of 'milking' over the years but as someone who is a big fan of teasing, nipple peeks, and "earning" the lewd stuff it's right up my alley. You just have to know what you're getting into with this game.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    graphics: 4
    history: 3,5 - 4
    animations : 5
    writing: 4

    It's a great game but it's taking too long.
    It's been too many years without sex and it's starting to get desperate.
    The latest version 1.80 was disappointing and the development time was too long for what it offered. It could be done in 1 week.
    Hopefully it will improve and start to deliver what users are asking for.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    First, the game is mostly pictures and does not have any lesbianism because the most that happens in the lesbian side is kisses only and without good animation compared to the size it is not worth 6 GB for the first part
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    On one hand the visuals and writing are superb and I greatly enjoy it. On the other hand, depending on how fast you read, you can go 15 hours only being cock-teased. The entire first part of the game is one giant blue ball simulator. I fully enjoy slow burn games, but at this point it is getting ridiculous.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Greatest nothing burger ever.Author adds really nothing yet adding something to develop game not even joking.

    When you see title you think you know something like wife gonna do some good and bad things but for a years really nothing happened no sex scenes or something like that just normal teasing things never going to full way.

    Funny thing is theres fan game that better than this one and i am not even joking actually something happens in fan game and its good quality one.

    So game not that bad but updates means nothing and probably we not gonna get sex scenes like anohter 2 years more or less no idea.

    İ give 4 star for potential and graphics nothing more story is interesting but until this completed thats no good for me because story=teasing(not joking with teasing thing) nothing more.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Premise of the game is appealing. MC is hot and well written. Animations and renders are great. BUT too much blue balling and not enough of the good parts that we/the players want.

    Its time to advance the story and reduce the fluff every day content that honestly no one cares about. This game has a ton of potential but developer keeps stalling....

    I would say this is a 5 star game for its female protagonist genre, but overall i cant give it a 5 star.